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Articles in Edited Books

Burger, C., Pirker, M., Bergsmann E. M., & Winter, P. (2015). Qualitätsmanagement in der kompetenzorientierten Lehre: Theorie und Praxis an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien [Quality management in competence-oriented teaching: Theory and practice at the Vetmeduni Vienna]. In O. Vettori, G. Salmhofer, L. Mitterauer & K. Ledermüller (Eds.), Eine Frage der Wirksamkeit? Qualitätsmanagement als Impulsgeber für Veränderungen an Hochschulen. Reihe 6: Qualität - Evaluation - Akkreditierung [A question of effectiveness? Quality management as innovation generator for changes at universities. Series 6: quality - evaluation - accreditation] (pp. 145–160). UniversitätsVerlagWebler. (ISBN: 978-3-946017-00-4)

Burger, C. (2012). Anton Formann aus der Sicht eines Studenten und Studienassistenten [Anton Formann from the perspective of a student and an undergraduate research assistant]. In M. Voracek (Ed.), Of things past: Memorial book for Anton K. Formann (1949–2010) (pp. 15–20). https://antonformann.at/AKF_Memorial_Book.pdf

Books/ Monographs

Burger, C. (2015). What strategies are German-speaking teachers using in order to handle bullying?. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Vienna.

Burger, C. (2012). Online research, quo vadis? Demographical and methodological meta-information on the current status quo. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Vienna.

Schrittesser, I., & Burger, C. (2004). Einführung in professionalisiertes pädagogisches Handeln [Introduction to professionalised pedagogical action taking]. WUV Universitätsverlag. (ISBN: 978-90-42-80010-6)

Biographical Items

Burger, C., Edl, M., Koch, S., Nader, I. W., Pietschnig, J., Stieger, S., & Voracek, M. (2011, April). Anton K. Formann [biographical item]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_Formann


Burger, C. (2013). Gail Jones' "Sorry": Writing style, setting and characters. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-656-58159-8)

Burger, C. (2013). Michael Walzers "Komplexe Gerechtigkeit". Eine kritische Reflexion [Michael Walzer's "complex equality": A critical disussion]. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-656-58160-4)

Burger, C. (2013). Reflections on Peter Carey's American Dreams: Style, setting, characters and interpretative questions. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-656-58158-1)

Burger, C. (2010). Metaphor and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: An attempt to explore and integrate the theory of metaphor by Lakoff and Johnson and the theory of linguistic relativity by Sapir and Whorf. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-640-56804-8)

Burger, C. (2010). Buchrezension von Dietrich Dörners "Die Logik des Misslingens. Strategisches Denken in komplexen Situationen" [Book review of Dietrich Dörner's "The logic of failure: Recognizing and avoiding error in complex situations"]. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-640-74400-8)

Burger, C. (2008). Lernprozesse aus dem Blickwinkel der Lernpsychologie. Theorie und Anwendungshinweise [Learning processes from the perspective of learning psychology]. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-640-22932-1)

Burger, C. (2006). Der Suizid in Spinozas Ethik. Nach Spinoza eine äußerste Schwächung von Trieb und Begierde [Suicide in Spinoza's Ethics: According to Spinoza an uttermost weakening of drive and desire]. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-640-56805-5)

Burger, C. (2005). Political correctness: Historical origin of the concept and occurrences in British newspapers and magazines. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-640-23216-1)

Burger, C. (2005). Characterisation in Timberlake Wertenbaker's our country's good. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-640-24007-4)

Burger, C. (2004). Das Asperger-Syndrom. Entwicklungsverlauf, Spezialinteressen und Merkmale in der Motorik, Sensorik und im Sozialverhalten [Asperger's syndrom: Developmental trajectory, special interests, and motor, sensory and social characteristics]. Grin. (ISBN: 978-3-640-56806-2)

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