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Oral Presentations/ Symposia


Burger, C., Strohmeier, D., & Kollerova, L. (2022). Effects of teacher interventions on bullying roles: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the 26th Workshop on Aggression (WOA), Jena, Germany, November 10th–12th.


Burger, S., König-Teshnizi, D., & Burger, C. (2021). Perfectionism, stress, and the mediating role of fear of negative evaluation in university students. Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Prague, Czech Republic, July 18th–23th. https://whova.com/embedded/session/csg_202107/1773010/

Burger, C., Strohmeier, D., Kollerova, L., & Soukup, P. (2021). Examining teacher interventions across time: Differential effects of interventions on bullying roles. Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Prague, Czech Republic, July 18th–23th. https://whova.com/embedded/session/csg_202107/1773379/


Arënliu, A., Strohmeier, D., Konjufca, J., Yanagida, T., & Burger, C. (2019). Empowering the Peer Group to Prevent School Bullying in Kosovo: Effectiveness of a Short and Ultra-Short Version of the ViSC Social Competence Program. Paper presented at the 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece, August 29th–September 1st.


Buchner, H. H. F., Burger, C., & Ehlers, J. P. (2017).  Die „Clinical Encounter Card“ als Lehrmittel für Feedback an Studierende in den klinischen Rotationen der Vetmeduni Wien [The clinical encounter card as teaching method for providing feedback to students in clinical rotations at the Vetmeduni Vienna]. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Education (GMA-Jahrestagung), Münster, Germany, September 19th–23rd.

Burger, C., & Pamlitschka, I. (2017). Explaining heterogeneity in vegans: The importance of initial motives and their relation to sex, age and health behaviours. Paper presented at the European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 11th–14th.

Solomontos-Kountouri, O., Burger, C., Dogan, A., & Strohmeier, D. (2017). Cross-national evaluation of the ViSC anti-bullying program: The effects on teachers. Paper presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 28th–September 1st.


Wald, J., Burger, C., & Voracek, M. (2016). Effekte chronischer Höhenexposition auf neuronale Funktionsfähigkeit und Suizidalität: Ein systematischer Review [Effects of chronic exposure to high altitudes on neuronal functioning and suicidality: A systematic review]. Paper presented at the Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Leipzig, Germany, September 18th-22nd.

Burger, C., & Pamlitschka, I. (2016). An exploration of motives for becoming vegan and their relation to gender, age and current health behaviors. Paper presented at the VegMed Conference, Berlin, Germany, April 22nd-24th.


Bergsmann, E., Burger, C., Klug, J., Först, N., & Spiel, C. (2015). Ein Screening-Fragebogen für kompetenzorientierte Lehre als Erhebungs- und Interventionsinstrument: Vorläufiges Ergebnis der Entwickung eines allgemeinen Antwortformulars [A screening questionnaire for competence-oriented teaching as a surveying and intervention tool: Preliminary results of the development of a general response format]. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management and Development, Vienna, Austria, October 22nd-23rd.

Burger, C. (2015). Services für Studierende mit körperlichen und psychischen Beeinträchtigungen und chronischen Erkankungen [Services for students with physical and psychological disabilities and chronic illnesses]. Paper presented at the podium services of the Vetmeduni Vienna, Vienna, Austria, October 1st.

Bergsmann, E., & Burger, C. (2015). Gibt es Alternativen zur studentischen Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation? Der Kompetenz-Check an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien [Are there alternatives to student course evaluation? The competence check at the Vetmeduni Vienna]. Paper presented at the 2nd AQ Austria annual conference with the title "Good learning and good teaching: What contribution does quality assurance make?", Vienna, Austria, September 24th.

Burger, C., Strohmeier, D., Spröber, N., Bauman, S., & Rigby, K. (2015). Austrian/German Teachers’ concurrent usage of multiple strategies against school bullying. Paper presented at the 14th European conference of Psychology, Milano, Italy, July 7th-10th.

Spiel, C., Bergsmann, E., & Burger, C. (2015). Der Kompetenz-Check: Was steckt dahinter? [The competence check: What is its purpose?]. Paper presented at the monthly didactics meeting "Impulsfrühstück" at the Veterinary University of Vienna, Vienna, March, 17th. link to online video (external)


Burger, C., Pirker, M., Bergsmann, E., & Winter, P. (2014). Qualitätsmanagement in der kompetenzorientierten Lehre an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien: Theorie und Praxis [Quality management for competence-oriented teaching at the Vetmeduni Vienna: Theory and practice]. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the quality management network of the Austrian universities (QM-Netzwerk-Meeting), Vienna, Austria, October 9th-10th.

Burger, C. (2014). Services für Studierende mit körperlichen und psyichischen Beeinträchtigungen und chronischen Erkankungen [Services for students with physical and psychological disabilities and chronic illnesses]. Paper presented at the podium services of the Vetmeduni Vienna, Vienna, Austria, October 1st.

Nawrocik, D., Burger, C., & Buchner, H. H. F. (2014). Feedback mittels Clinical-Encounter-Cards (CECs) in der veterinärmedizinischen klinischen Ausbildung [Feedback via clinical encounter cards in the veterinary clinical training]. Paper presented at the didactics meeting of the Competence Centre for e-Learning, Didactics and Educational Research in Veterinary Medicine (KELDAT) as part of the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Education (GMA-Jahrestagung), Hamburg, Germany, September 25th–27th.


Burger, C., & Stieger, S. (2013). Die Datenqualität von Onlinefragebögen in der Differentiellen Psychologie und Persönlichkeitspsychologie: Eine Vollerhebung aus fünf internationalen Rekrutierungsportalen [Data quality of online questionnaires in differential and personality psychology: A full population study of five international recruitment portals]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Division of Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment (DPPD) of the German Psychological Society, Greifswald, Germany, September 23rd–25th.

Burger, C., & Stieger, S. (2013). Eine Vollerhebung und methodologische Analyse von Onlinefragebögen auf den fünf größten internationalen Online-Rekrutierungsportalen [A full population study and methodological analysis of online questionnaires on the five biggest international online recruitment portals]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Division of Methods and Evaluation (FGME) of the German Psychological Society, Carinthia, Austria, September 19th–21st.

Burger, C., & Stieger, S. (2013). Metadata on current practices in online research: A full population review of online questionnaires from recruitment portals. Paper presented at the European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Stockholm, Sweden, July 9th–12th.

Burger, C., & Stieger, S. (2013). Technical and methodological meta-information on current practices in online research: A full population study of online questionnaires from recruitment portals.
Paper presented at the General Online Research Conference (GOR13), Mannheim, Germany, March 4th–6th.


Burger, C., & Stieger, S. (2012). Komplexer als bisher gedacht: Neue Einsichten in die optimale Vorgabe des Initial Preference Tasks [More complex than previously thought: New insights into the optimal administration of the Initial Preference Task]. Paper presented at the Congress of the Austrian Psychological Society (OEGP), Graz, Austria, April 12th–14th.

Pawlikowski, M., Nader, I. W., Burger, C., Stieger, S., & Brand, M. (2012). Ein- oder mehrdimensional? Eine Untersuchung der Dimensionalität des Konstrukts der pathologischen Internetnutzung am Beispiel von Internet-Computerspielen und Internet-Pornographie [Uni- or multidimensional? An examination of the dimensionality of pathological internet usage on the example of internet computer games and internet pornography]. Paper presented at the Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Bielefeld, Germany, September 23rd–27th.


Burger, C., Stieger, S., Bohn, M., & Voracek, M. (2011). Was unterscheidet Facebook-Aussteiger von normalen Facebook-Nutzern? Persönlichkeit, Internetsucht und Stellenwert von Privatsphäre [What sets apart Facebook quitters from regular Facebook users? Personality characteristics, Internet addiction and privacy concerns]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Division of Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment (DPPD) of the German Psychological Society, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 26th–28th.

Burger, C., Strohmeier, D., Schiller, E.-M., Stefanek, E., & Spiel, C. (2011). Die Wirkung des WiSK Programms auf das Strategieverhalten von Lehrkräften in Bullyingfällen [The effect of the ViSC programme on teachers’ strategy use in bullying situations]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Division of Pedagogical Psychology (EPSY) of the German Psychological Society, Erfurt, Germany, September 12th–14th.

Schiller, F., Burger, C., Stieger, S. (2011). Der Gender Initial Preference Task: Ein neues indirektes Messverfahren zur Erfassung der Geschlechtsrollenorientierung [The gender initial preference task: A new indirect measure of gender role orientation]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Division of Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment (DPPD) of the German Psychological Society, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 26th–28th.

Schultes, M.-T., Stefanek, E., Strohmeier, D., Burger, C., Schiller, E.-M., & Spiel, C. (2011). Der Einfluss der Implementierungsqualität auf die Wirksamkeit schulischer Gewaltpräventionsprogramme am Beispiel des WiSK Programms [The influence of implemention quality on the effectiveness of school violence prevention programmes on the example of the ViSC programme]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Division of Pedagogical Psychology (EPSY) of the German Psychological Society, Erfurt, Germany, September 12th–14th.

Sproeber, N., Strohmeier, D., Burger, C., Bauman, S., & Rigby, K. (2011). What teachers do when witnessing bullying episodes in pupils: An investigation using the Handling Bullying Questionnaire in German speaking countries. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Bergen, Norway, August 23rd–27th.


Riemer, V., Burger, C., Neskovic, A., Reiter, S., Jaworska, A., Olbrich, A., & Hergovich, A. (2010). Was verrät unser Gesicht über unsere politische Einstellung? Eine geometrisch-morphometrische Untersuchung des Verhältnisses zwischen selbstberichteter politischer Einstellung und der Gesichtsform bei männlichen Österreichischen Studenten. [What does our face reveal about our political attitudes? A geometric morphometrical investigation of the relationship between self-reported political attitudes and facial shape characteristics among male Austrian university students]. Paper presented at the Congress of the Austrian Psychological Society (OEGP 2010), Salzburg, Austria, April 8th–10th.


Burger, C.
, & Stieger, S. (2009). Let's go formative: Continuous student ratings with Web 2.0 application Twitter.
Paper presented at the General Online Research Conference (GOR09), Vienna, Austria, April 6th–8th.

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