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One point we use quantitative studies for is to test the satisfaction of learners with knowledge types and navigation aids. The diagrams show results from a small seminar in a University (n=21). We asked learners if they feel that the knowledge types are helpful („Knowledge Types helpful“) and if they fell they understood the navigation aids („Navigation graspable“).

Results show that the knowledge types are accepted and the navigation aids where judged as helpful (Ja = Yes). Critical points where that we do not offer off line versions and that the content could not be downloaded at once.

For qualitative research we asked learner to use the platform while thinking aloud. We used a scree cam to record the visible screen and the verbal expressions. We analysed the recordings taking account for usability, navigational behaviour and knowledge reception.

Our Analyses shows that learners understand the navigational aids very fast – even without any introduction (we gave learners just the task to learn something about a certain concept and the URL) the navigational aids are used intuitively. While learning learners use very different strategies for navigation. That shows that the aim of Web-Didactics, to support an individual navigation is reached.

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