Carnap in Context II: (Dis)continuities

Research project, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF research grant P31716).

The main tasks of this project are (a) the finalization of the critical edition of early Carnap's diaries (see also this page), (b) the preparation of a critical edition of Carnap's scientific correspondence until 1935, in cooperation with Johannes Friedl and Ulf Höfer, University of Graz (FWF research grant P31159), and (c) the preparation of transcription's of Carnap's later diaries (1936-1970). The project belongs to a long term initiative Historical-Critical Edition of Sources from the Nachlass of Rudolf Carnap , which is intended as a "Parallelaktion" to the Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap. The edition will be realized together with Meiner Verlag Hamburg.
The project will also investigate several aspects of history of Logical Empiricism, in particular those being connected with Carnap's antimetaphysical philosophy, his inductive logic, and his noncognitivism, as well as topics in 19th century German philosophy. For the details see these excerpts from the research proposal.

NEW (February 2022): The first two volumes are just to appear:

Rudolf Carnap: Tagebücher 1920-1935. Herausgegeben von Christian Damböck, unter Mitarbeit von Brigitta Arden, Roman Jordan, Brigitte Parakenings und Lois M. Rendl. Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, March 2022. []
Rudolf Carnap: Tagebücher 1908-1919. Herausgegeben von Christian Damböck, unter Mitarbeit von Brigitta Arden, Roman Jordan, Brigitte Parakenings und Lois M. Rendl. Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, January 2022. []

Realization of the project:

Christian Damböck (contact, Christian's homepage), 08.2018-07.2021.

Roman Jordan (contact),
Roman studies philosophy in Vienna. His task in our research project is the preparation of the LaTeX version of the diaries of Carnap.

Lois M. Rendl (contact),
Lois Rendl is working on a PhD thesis at the Philosophy Department, University of Vienna. The thesis is supervised by Kurt Walter Zeidler, the topic is "Idealism and Logic of Science" (Peirce, Hegel and Cohen). His main areas of research are Aristotelian logic, transcendental logic in Kant, Hegel, and the Marburg Neo-Kantians, and the relations of these varieties of logic to philosophy of science (Peirce, Schlick, Carnap). His task in our research project is the preparation of the critical commentary to the diaries of Carnap.

Adam Tamas Tuboly (Hungarian Academy of Science, contact, homepage)
Adam is a main scientific cooperation partner of this project and will prepare the transcriptions of large parts of the scientific correspondence.

Josef Pircher (contact)
Josef finished his PhD on Mach in spring 2018. He is preparing parts of the transcriptions of the scientific correspondence for our project.

Meike Werner (Vanderbilt University, contact, homepage)
Meike is a main scientific cooperation partner of this project. We will co-edit the early pre-scientific correspondence of Rudolf Carnap until 1920 which, in particular, contains correspondence with Wilhelm Flitner and Franz Roh, as well as the Political Circular Letters of 1918.

Johannes Friedl (University of Graz, contact, homepage)
Johannes is a main scientific cooperation partner of this project. He is recently editing the scientific correspondence between Rudolf Carnap and Otto Neurath, together with Ulf Höfer (FWF research grant P31159). This project is developed in cooperation with the present research project, its results will also be published in the context of the projected edition at Meiner Verlag.

Shorthand Transcriptions:
Brigitte Parakenings, Philosophisches Archiv, Universität Konstanz.
Brigitta Arden, University of Freiburg.

The project is located at the Institute Vienna Circle. It is expected to run from August 1 2018 until July 31 2021.

For further information on the running of the project and on respective workshops, publications, and other activities please refer to Christian's homepage.

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