Current position

Since 5/2024    Associate professor for “Modern History of Central- and Eastern Europe and the Habsburg Monarchy” at the Department for East European History of the University of Vienna.


2024   Habilitation for Modern History and East European History.

2004-2009    Joint Ph.D. between the University of Vienna (History) and University of Paris-Sorbonne (German language and literature).
Grade: With distinction.

1997-2003    Magister (M.A.) at the University of Vienna in History and Russian philology and literature. Teaching degree 2009.     Grade: With distinction.

2009   Qualification procedure for maître de conférence within the Council of French Universities for the academic sections:
– History and Culture of the Early Modern Times and Contemporary History.
– Slavonic Languages and Literature.

2004-2005   Language courses in the Ukrainian studies programme of the University of Vienna

2003-2005   Language courses in the Polish studies programme of the University of Vienna

2001/2002    Language courses at the Pushkin Institute for Russian Language and the Russian State University for Humanities (RGGU), Moscow.

1999/2000    University of Paris-Sorbonne: Exchange student in the European Exchange-Programme (Erasmus-Socrates); auditing at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and École Pratique des Hautes Études.


•    German (native)    •    Ukrainian (fluent in reading & speaking)
•    English (fluent)      •    Yiddish (fluent in reading & speaking)
•    French (fluent)      •    Polish (good reading & speaking skills)
•    Russian (fluent)    •    Italian (basics)

Earlier positions

2019-2024    Assistant professor (tenure track) at the Department for East European History of the University of Vienna. PI of the ERC StG Project “Non-Territorial Autonomy”

2018–2019    Principal Investigator of the ERC StG Project “Non-Territorial Autonomy as Minority Protection in Europe. The History of a Travelling Idea, 1850–2000” at the Institute of Modern and Contemporary Historical Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

2015–2018    APART-Fellow at the Institute of Modern and Contemporary Historical Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

2013–2015    Erwin-Schrödinger-Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study at the Central European University, Budapest, and the Institute for East European History at the University of Vienna.

2010–2013    Post doc researcher in the doctoral programme Austrian Galicia and Its Multicultural Heritage at the University of Vienna.

2004–2009    Researcher in two Austrian Science Fund (FWF) sponsored research projects on multicultural border towns at the imperial peripheries in the Austrian-Russian borderlands 1772–1918, Vienna.

2003–2004    Translator (Russian into German) in the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) sponsored research project on the post-war Soviet occupation of Austria, Vienna.

2001–2002    Assistant (Alternative Military Service) at the Russian Holocaust Foundation, Moscow, Russia.

2001    Intern at the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) and its news agency Eurolang, Brussels, Belgium.

2000    Summer Research Associate at the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg, Germany.

Conception and organisation of conferences and academic field trips

2022  The Theory and Practice of Non-Territorial Autonomy in Europe – A Historical Perspective. Universität Wien, NTAutonomy. Programme.

2020    International conference Territoriality and Non-territoriality in Accommodating National Diversity (NTAutonomy-Project, University of Vienna). Programme. The conference had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic.

2019    Workshop Human Rights and Autonomy Rights in European Perspective (University of Vienna). Programme.

2016    International conference Refugee Crises. Nothing New in Austria (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Migration Research, Institute for Human Sciences). Conference report on H-Soz-Kult, 2 Dec. 2016. For press coverage see Posts.

2016    Workshop Grenzräume der Habsburgermonarchie (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Haus der Geschichte Österreichs).

2015    International conference National-Personal Autonomy, Non-Territorial Autonomy, Cultural Autonomy (University of Vienna).

2011    Co-organiser of international conference Galicia. At the Periphery of Modernity and Modernity at the Periphery (University of Vienna).

2010    Organiser of the two weeks excursion of the doctoral programme „Austrian Galicia“ to Poland and Ukraine.

2006    Organiser of the international workshop An der Stadtgrenze die Staatsgrenze (Austrian Library in L‘viv) including an academic day field trip.

Other academic activities

Peer reviewer for: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Polish National Science Centre (NCN), German Research Foundation (DFG), Czech Science Foundation (GAČR); for the journals Austrian History Yearbook, East Central Europe, European Review of History, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, “Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation – S:I.M.O.N.”; for the publishing houses of the Herder Institute Marburg and the Austrian Academy of Sciences as well as for CEU’s Institute for Advanced Study, Austrian Agency for International Cooperation (OeAD).

Member of the editorial board of the Ukrainian-English Journal of the Study of War and Revolutions.

Member of the management committee of the COST Action European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network ENTAN, the Paris Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche centre-européenne, and the Kommission für die Geschichte der Deutschen in Polen.

Scholarly consultant for the exhibition The Myth of Galicia, Vienna City Museum (201415).