Katja Chmilewski, MA
Junior Researcher
Research Interests
- Social Movements and Political Mobilization
- Affect Theory/Affect Studies
- Political Representation and Gender
- Labor and Welfare Policies (Focus on Healthcare Policy)
Katja Chmilewski is a PhD Student at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna. She has been working as a Junior Researcher at the Department from 2015 until 2019. She currently holds a Marietta Blau scholarship funded by the Austrian Ministery of Science.
Her research fields include theories of affect, social movements and political mobilization, health care politics, as well as gender and politics.
Selected Publications
- Chmilewski, Katja/Klambauer, Eva/Koza, Ilse (2012): Sexarbeit in Wien. Unausgeschöpfte Emanzipationspotenziale und hegemoniale Beharrungskräfte im Novellierungsprozess des Wiener Prostitutionsgesetz 2011, in: Femina Politica. Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 21(2).
- Chilewski, Katja/Hajek, Katharina (2018): Mobilizing affects about intimate relationships – Emotional pedagogy among the New Right in Germany. In: Kolehmainen/Juvonen (Hrsg.): Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships. Routledge: New York/London.
- Ahrens, Petra/Chmilewski, Katja/Lang, Sabine/Sauer, Birgit (2020): Gender Equality in Politics – Implementing Party Quotas in Germany and Austria. Springers Briefs in Political Science.