Franziska Meyer, BA
Student Research Assistant
Research Interests
- Care Work
- Gender and Work
- Feminist Theory
Franziska Meyer is student research assistant in the project “Affective Labor of Employment Agents. Transformation of Public Services in Austria, Germany and Switzerland” since summer 2015. Her research focuses are Feminist Theory and the relations between Gender and Work. She completed her Bachelor in Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin and is finishing her Master in Political Science at the University of Vienna at the moment. Her thesis deals with the question of transformative potentials of Care Work in the strike of German kindergarten teachers. Since 2013 she is funded by German Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
Franziska Meyer
Department of Political Science
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7
A-1010 Vienna
Room: B 712
Selected Publications
- Gläubiger mit blauem Auge davongekommen: Die Abwicklung der Hypo Alpe Adria und die Konflikte im Block an der Macht, in: Kurswechsel. Zeitschrift für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen, 14(4), 2014 (together with Etienne Schneider and Silvia Schröcker)