Dr. Mag. Edma Ajanovic

Research Fellow

Research Interests

  • Research on Racism
  • Right-wing Populist Discourses
  • Racism Theories
  • Critical Migration Research
  • Transnational/Translocal Practices


Edma Ajanović is a research fellow (wiss. Mitarbeiterin) at the Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy at the Danube University Krems. She completed her PhD in Social Science (program: Political Science) at the University of Vienna. Her research interests are gendered aspects of right-wing populism and extremism, post-socialist democratization processes and neoliberal transformations in post-Yugoslav societies.


Dr. Mag. Edma Ajanovic
Donau-Universität Krems
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems
Phone: 43 (0)2732 893-2766


Selected Publications

  • Spaces of Right-Wing Populism and Anti-Muslim Racism in Austria. Identitarian Movement, Civil Initiatives and the fight against “Islamisation“, in: Czech Journal of Political Science, 2, forthcoming 2016 (together with Stefanie Mayer and Birgit Sauer)
  • “Freie Frauen“ gegen den “Gender-Wahn“. Paradoxe (neue) Allianzen in der (extremen) Rechten, in: Femina Politica. Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 24(2), forthcoming 2015 (together with Stefanie Mayer)
  • Bedrohte Räume. Antipluralismus in rechtsextremen bzw. rechtspopulistischen Diskursen in Österreich, in: ÖZP (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft), 44(2), 2015 (together with Stefanie Mayer and Birgit Sauer)
  • Intersections and Inconsistencies. Framing Gender in Right-Wing Populist Discourses in Austria, in: NORA (Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research), 22(4), 2014 (together with Stefanie Mayer and Birgit Sauer)
  • Interethnic violence in Austrian schools: an intersectional approach, in: Sedmak, Mateja/Medaric, Zorana/Walker, Sarah (ed.), Children’s Voices. Studies of interethnic conflict and violence in European schools, London/New York (Routledge), 2014 (together with Birgit Sauer)
  • The rise of racism across Europe, in: Sedmak, Mateja/Medaric, Zorana/Walker, Sarah (ed.), Children’s Voices. Studies of interethnic conflict and violence in European schools, London/New York (Routledge), 2014 (together with Birgit Sauer)
  • Remittances – more than money? Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum Verständnis von Rücküberweisungen von MigrantInnen in ihre Senderländer, in: Atac, Ilker/Fanizadeh, Michael/Kraler, Albert/Manzenreiter, Wolfram (ed.), Migration und Entwicklung. Neue Perspektiven, Wien (Promedia und Südwind), 2014
  • Doing masculinity, doing femininity. Interethnic Violence in the school environment, in: Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia, 23(2), 2013 (together with Birgit Sauer)
  • TransmigrantInnen und “symbolisches Kapital“, in: Zebratl, 1, 2013
  • Schools as “Protected Space”? Good Practices but Lack of Resources: the Case of Austria, in: Medaric, Zorana/ Sedmak, Mateja (ed.), Children’s Voices. Interethnic Violence in the School Environment, Koper (Annales University Press), 2012 (together with Birgit Sauer)