Laura Brandt

Teaching Assistent

Research Interests

  • Feminist Political Theory
  • International Political Economy
  • Theory of Power and Domination


Laura Brandt studies political science at the University of Vienna. Within her Bachelor she focuses on gender, political theory and international politics.





  • On Secrets and Silences: The Political Economy of the Federal Gender Equality Architecture in Austria and Germany. Comparative European Politics, together with Sabine Lang and Birgit Sauer. Revise and resubmit.
  • Counter-Intersectionality: The Politics of Conservative Women’s NGOs in Turkey. In Gendered Mobilizations: Intersectional Challenges in North American and European Social Movements, eds. Jill Irvine, Celeste Montoya, Sabine Lang. Rowman & Littlefield. In progress.
  • Der Aufstieg von konservativen Frauen-NGOs in der ‘neuen Türkei’: Eine Analyse des Vereins für Frau und Demokratie” (The Rise of Conservative Women’s NGOs in ‘New Turkey’: An Analysis of the Association for Woman and Democracy). In Patriarchat im Wandel: Frauen und Politik in der Türkei, ed. Aslı Aksoy. Campus, 2018.
  • Ayşe Dursun im Interview mit dem İstanbul Feminist Kolektif (Feministisches Kollektiv Istanbul): Feministische Kämpfe an der Schnittstelle von Neoliberalismus, religiösem Konservatismus und Krieg in der Türkei. (Ayşe Dursun in Interview with İstanbul Feminist Kolektif (Istanbul Feminist Collective): Feminist Struggles at the Interface between Neoliberalism, Religious Conservatism and War in Turkey). In Dauerkämpfe. Feministische Zeitdiagnosen und Strategien, eds. Brigitte Bargetz, Eva Kreisky, and Gundula Ludwig. Campus, 2017.
  • Asylum Experiences in Austria from the Perspective of Unaccompanied Minors: Best Interest of the Child in Reception Procedures and Everyday Life. In Unaccompanied Children in European Migration and Asylum Practices: In Whose Best Interests?, eds. Mateja Sedmak, Barbara Gornik, Birgit Sauer, and Daniel Senovilla Harnández. Routledge, 2017. Together with Birgit Sauer.
  • Unbegleitete Minderjährige Geflüchtete in Österreich: Flucht-, Ankunfts- und Alltagserfahrungen. (Unaccompanied Minors in Austria: Escape, Arrival and Everyday Experiences). SWS Rundschau, 3, 2016, pp. 297-319. Together with Birgit Sauer.
  • The Best Interest of the Child in a “Two-Class-System”: Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers in Austria. In A Journey to the Unknown. The Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Between Theory and Practice, eds. Mateja Sedmak, Blaž Lenarčič, Zorana Medarić, and Tjaša Žakelj. Annales, 2015. Together with Birgit Sauer.
  • Muslim Groups in the Gezi Park Protests: Identity Politics and Contentious Politics under Authoritarian Neoliberalism. In Contentious Politics in the Middle East, ed. Fawaz Gerges. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Gezi-Park-Proteste in der Türkei: Neue Möglichkeiten, alte Grenzen? (Gezi Park Protests in Turkey: New Possibilities, Old Limits?) Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 42, 2013, pp. 443-450. Together with Ilker Ataç.