Entries by adminsb4

Book suggestion of the month: “Unaccompanied Children in European Migration and Asylum Practices”

The political, legal and social situation of unaccompanied refugee minors in Europe is the focus of my joint publication with Mateja Sedmak and Barbara Gornik. I talk about the background in an interview with the editorial team of uni:view. https://medienportal.univie.ac.at/uniview/wissenschaft-gesellschaft/detailansicht/artikel/buchtipp-des-monats-von-birgit-sauer/  

Positions in the field of Gender and Politics to be filled

The Department of Political Science of the University of Vienna seeks to fill two positions in the field of Gender and Politics: –          University Assistant post doc (Gender and queer theory in Political Science and comparative gender research), Reference number9548, duration of employment: 6 years –          University Assistant prae doc (Social science theories with a focus on gender research), Reference number 9502, duration of […]