IPW Lecture: Mike Laufenberg – Radical Care. For a paradoxical concept of care citizenship
Wednesday, 2 December 2020, 18:30 | online
Speaker: Mike Laufenberg (FSU, Jena)
Moderation: Verena Kettner (IPW | University of Vienna)
Abstract: Faced with a global crisis of social reproduction, states and markets everywhere fail to provide social security for the majority of the world’s population. Against this background, collective practices of radical care have gained importance in many places and for many people in order to ensure life and survival in an unequal and insecure world. The lecture will discuss the emancipatory potentials, but also the structural limits and negative flipsides of radical care intersectionally from the perspective of welfare state theory and feminist theories of social reproduction. The focus is on current articulations of care-citizenship in the global North and its contradictory relations to the welfare state. Theoretically and conceptually, the lecture aims at overcoming the reductionist opposition of care-citizenship vs. the welfare state, which is often carried out by both protagonists and critics of community-based strategies of care. Instead, a concept of the paradoxical politics of caregiving citizenship is developed, which enters into a strategic tension with welfare state institutions in order to contribute to a radical democratic and solidary renewal of the welfare state from below.
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