Event row “Feminstisch(e) Kritik vermitteln”

In the summer semester 2017 there will be an exciting event row at the Institute of Political Science: “Feministisch(e) Kritik vermitteln”. It will be about Science, critique of science and education out of a (queer-)feminist perspective.

Please find more information in the flyer and already prebook the dates!


Welcome visiting professor Dr. Hanna Meißner!

Welcome, Dr. Hanna Meißner!

In the summer semester 2017 Dr.  Hanna Meißner will support the team of Gender & Politics and teach at the Institute for Political Science as a visiting professor.

She offers the course 210156 SE M11: FOP Forschungspraktikum which will take place blocked at a few Fridays and Saturdays during the semester.

The accurate dates you can find here: https://ufind.univie.ac.at/de/course.html?lv=210156&semester=2017S