Book presentation “Governing Affects” on 12 March, 6.30pm-8.00pm
Dr. Otto Penz and Prof. Dr. Birgit Sauer will present their latest publication on 12 March. The monograph “Governing Affects” deals with the changes in statehood in recent decades using the example of public services.
The book presentation will present various facets of the fundamental process of state and political transformation, such as the gender connotations of neo-bureaucratic work. Subsequently, two lectures by prominent representatives of an emotion-theoretical sociology will discuss further important political problems of the recent past. While Emma Dowling’s lecture will present the gender-specific emotional aspects of domestic and care work, Sighard Neckel’s lecture will focus on questions of democracy and post-democratic challenges posed by an emotionally charged right-wing populism and extremism.
More information about the Event: Sauer_Penz_Einladung_Sujet Erlesenes Erforschen_03_2020