Alpine Algebraic Geometry Workshop

A collaborative meeting of algebraic geometry groups in Austria and Switzerland.

Organised by Tamás Hausel, Anton Mellit, Rahul Pandharipande, András Szenes and Balázs Szendrői

Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, 9-13 September 2024


  • Sunday 8 September
    • Arrival in the afternoon
  • Monday 9 September
    • 9:00-10:15 Dimitri Wyss (EPFL) Non-archimedean integration on quotients and BPS-invariants
    • 10:45-12:00 Olga Trapeznikova (IST Austria) Intersection cohomology of moduli spaces of semistable bundles on curves
    • 14:00-15:15 Dylan Butson (U Oxford) Perverse coherent extensions and vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds I
    • 15:45-17:00 Aitor Iribar Lopez (ETH Zürich): Twisted products on the moduli space of abelian varieties
  • Tuesday 10 September
    • 9:00-10:15 Dylan Butson (U Oxford) Perverse coherent extensions and vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds II
    • 10:45-12:00 Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zürich) The top Chern class of the Hodge bundle
  • Wednesday 11 September
    • 9:00-10:15 Simon Pepin Lehalleur (U Amsterdam) Motives of Higgs moduli spaces I: overview and motivic mirror symmetry
    • 10:45-12:00 Andrei Negut (EPFL) Quot schemes of curves and Yangians
    • 14:00-15:15 Victoria Hoskins (U Nijmegen) Motives of Higgs moduli spaces II: proofs
    • 15:45-17:00 Shiyu Shen (IST Austria) A prime characteristic version of non-abelian Hodge correspondence for semistable flat connections with regular singularities
  • Thursday 12 September
    • 9:00-10:15 Noah Arbesfeld (U Vienna) Vafa-Witten invariants and instanton moduli space
    • 10:45-12:00 Arkadij Bojko (Academia Sinica) Wall-crossing for Calabi-Yau fourfolds and applications
    • 13:45-15:00 Denis Nesterov (U Vienna / ETH Zürich) Hilbert schemes of points and Fulton-MacPherson compactifications
    • 15:30-16:45 Sergej Monavari (EPFL) The motive of the Hilbert scheme of points
    • 16:45-18:00 Alessandro Giacchetto (ETH Zürich) On the Spin GW/Hurwitz Correspondence
  • Friday 13 September
    • 9:00-10:15 Livia Campo (U Vienna) Flags on Fano 3-fold hypersurfaces
    • 10:45-12:00 Sean Griffin (UC Davis / U Vienna) Affine Springer fibers and the Delta Conjecture
    • Departure after lunch

Abstracts of talks

Supported by the University of Vienna, ISTA, ETH Zurich, University of Geneva, EPFL, and ERC Consolidator Grant 101001159 REFINV.