
Here you can find an overview of my research projects and research projects I am involved in.

“What does Austria believe in?” is an interdisciplinary mixed-methods project that intertwines research and media outreach to explore innovative ways of asking questions about about values and beliefs and to reshape research communication.

“Young Believers Online – mapping on- and offline identifications of urban religious youth” is an exploratory research project that examines identifications of urban religious youth in on- and offline spaces.

“DeRadicalization in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate” (D.Rad) is a comparative study of radicalisation and polarisation in Europe and beyond. It aims to identify the actors, networks, and wider social contexts driving radicalisation, particularly among young people in urban and peri-urban areas.

“Volunteer and Empower: Enhancing Community Building and Social Integration amongst Young Europeans and Third Country Nationals” (Volpower) explores how youth volunteering in sports and arts activities can serve as a mechanism for social integration for youth.

“Liberal Tolerance: Political discursive responses to Jihadist terrorist attacks“ wants to find answers regarding the question if and how liberal tolerance, freedom and ‘European values’ can function as a semantic bridging over and a societal connection between freedom of speech and of religion in the light of religiously motivated acts of violence.

“Governing Integration: A state Secretariat for Integration“ investigates the expected policy changes connected to the establishment of a state secretariat for integration in Austria in terms of the narrative used for describing integration, specific policies and by which means they are implemented.