I am the editor and author of journal articles and special issues, several edited volumes and a monograph on relgion and migration. Here you can find a complete list of my publications.
The following is a selection of my most important publications.

“Migration & Religion”, 2022.
This monography illuminates the various intersections of migration and religion, bringing together insights from political sciences, migration studies and religious science.
The YouBeOn Map, 2023.
This interactive map is a result of the YouBeOn-project and allows a wider public to explore complex sociological concepts (religion and belonging) through the lived realities of young believers in Vienna.
With Christoph Novak, Miriam Haselbacher and Katharina Limacher.

Annual contribution of “Austria” in the “Yearbook of Muslims in Europe“, since 2019.
The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe is an essential resource for analysis of Europe’s dynamic Muslim populations. Our contributed country reports provide cumulative knowledge of on-going trends and developments around Muslims in Austria.
With Dominique Bauer.
“The Christian right in Austria”, in “The Christian right in Europe: Movements, networks and denominations that endanger modern Europe“, 2023.
In this article, we discuss the religious protagonists of the Christian Right, aspects of their narratives and ideology, and the effects on their targeted political audiences in two areas central to Christian-Right activities in Austria: anti-genderism/anti-abortion activism and Christian nationalism.
With Barbara Urbanic and Katharina Limacher.

“Turning away from tolerance: Religion and illiberal politics in Austria”, in “Illiberal politics and religion: Actors, ideologies, and dispositions in Europe and beyond”, 2021.
This article contributes to scholarly debate about illiberal trends in religion politics by taking up an actor’s perspective which does not exclusively focus on the populist right. I argue, to understand the recent turn in religion politics, it is crucial to look at the policymaking of the political mainstream and their approximation to illiberal actors.
Edited Volume: “Prayer, pop and politics – Researching religious youth in migration society”, 2019.
With this edited volume, we address pressing political and societal issues at the intersection of religion, age and race from different disciplinary perspectives. All authors approach their research questions with particular awareness regarding the agency of the people whose lives we are studying.
With Katharina Limacher and Christoph Novak.

“How religion came into play: ‘Muslim’ as a category of practice in immigrant integration debates”, 2018.
This article in Religion, State & Society asks when, through which actors and in which contexts the category ‘Muslim’ entered and evolved in the policy field. The study of parliamentary protocols over a period of twenty years reveals that party-political agenda setting rather than external evvents is decisive for the politicization of religion.