About me

Currently working at the University of Cambridge, DAMTP, as a visiting researcher in the Cambridge Image Analysis (CIA) group through my research project Image based Data Evaluation Analyses and Medical Application (iDeal) granted by the Austrian Science fund (Hertha Firnberg fellow, Medical University of Vienna). In addition, I am appointed for a PostDoctoral Research Associateship 2024-25 at Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge. 

Fotocredit: WOMAN/ Monika Saulich

My main research interests lie in the area of image representations and processing, bridging theory and applications. As a L’OREAL Austria/ÖUK/ÖAW Fellow I started 2021 research on Image Quality Assessment and continued since 2022 as a FWF Hertha Firnberg Fellow. The main focus of my current work is testing and developing suitable image quality assessment methods for machine learning algorithms as well as studying the impact and introduced biases on downstream tasks.

Current Employees @iDeal:
Clemens Karner (Pre-Doc, Medical University of Vienna/University of Vienna)

If you are interested to collaborate feel free to drop me a mail.