Academic Curriculum Vitae

2011– present
Professor of Ethics with Special Emphasis on Applied Ethics, University of Vienna, Austria, Faculty of Philosophy and Education; Chair of Ethics

2009 – 2010
Acting Professor of Ethics and Practical Philosophy, University of Cologne, Germany, Department of Philosophy

Acting Professor of Practical Philosophy, University of Münster (formerly Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), Germany, Department of Philosophy

Birth of my son Timon Schulte-Umberg

2001 – 2009
Assistant Professor, University of Münster, Germany, Department of Philosophy [breaks in 2003 and 2005]

2004 – 2005
Teaching Assignment at the University of Chicago Divinity School, USA, and Senior Research Fellow at the Martin E. Marty-Centre of the University of Chicago Divinity School

2003 – 2005
Feodor-Lynen Research Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Research Fellow at the Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, USA

1997 – 2001
Research Employee at the Department of Philosophy, University of Münster, Germany

1995 – 1997
Research Employee at the Centre of Environmental Research (now Centre of Bioethics), University of Münster, Germany

Academic degrees

Habilitation at the University of Münster, Germany. Venia Legendi for Philosophy

PhD, University of Münster, Germany, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy. Supervisors: Wolfgang Barz and Ludwig Siep.

Master of Arts, University of Münster, Germany, Faculty of Philosophy, Depart-ment of Philosophy. Majors: Philosophy, Theology and Educational Studies


Research Scholar at the Center of Advanced Studies (CAS), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany

Visiting Scholar at the Earth Institute (Center for Climate and Life) and the Department of Philosophy, Columbia University NY, USA

2004 – 2005
Senior Research Fellow at the Martin E. Marty Centre, University of Chicago Divinity School, USA

2003 – 2005
Feodor Lynen Research Scholarship of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Visiting Scholar at the University of Chicago, USA

Scholarship of the European Exchange Program ‘Erasmus’, University of Padova, Italy


Teaching Award of the University of Vienna, Special Award for both categories “Successful Introductory and orientation period (STEOP)” and “Active Modularization” in Theoretical Philosophy and Practical Philosophy

Dissertation Prize for Doctoral Thesis with Distinction of the University of Münster, Germany

Research Projects

Co-applicant and PI in the Excellence Cluster “The Knowledge Crisis”, an Austrian research cluster headed by Tim Crane, Central European University (CEU, Vienna). PI in the sub-cluster “The Knowledge of Ethics and the Ethics of Knowledge”.
starting Sept. 1, 2023.
Funding: FWF, CEU, and the Universities of Vienna, Graz and Klagenfurt

Co-applicant and supervising faculty of the DocFunds Project “Philosophy as Conceptual Engagement: The Concepts We Have and the Concepts We Want” (PACE), A Doctoral program with 9 PhD students at the Department of Philosophy, starting Oct.1, 2023.
Funding: FWF (Austrian Science Foundation)

Nano-Norms-Nature (2015-2019) : Angela Kallhoff is head of the interdisciplinary Research Platform at the University of Vienna (budget approx. € 330 000):

New Directions in Plant Ethics (2014-2019): Research Project, supported by the FWF (budget approx. € 330 000):

Moralities of Warfare:  An Interdisciplinary Research Project on Just War Theory, with emphasis on the interpretation of the soldier’s motives and reasons in warfare.

Climate Justice: A lecture series at the University of Vienna with international researchers in climate ethics, funded by the City of Vienna funds for culture MA 07 (2011-2013). A publication with De Gruyter in the “Wiener Reihe” in 2015.

Public Goods: Research on public goods at the interface of political economy and political philosophy; contributions to the interventionist thesis, to public goods and markets, and to problems of collective action; supported by a Feodor Lynen Research Scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation at the University of Chicago (2003-2005; funding: € 2,600 /month plus € 6,000 stipend of the Martin E.- Marty Centre as Senior Research Fellow).

Referee Activities and Memberships

Substitute member of the Commission for Genetic Technologies of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health (since 2015)

Award Winner of the 2014 Teaching Award of the University of Vienna

Co-Founder and Member of the Board of SWIP (Society for Women in Philosophy) Austria (since 2014)

Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (since 2013)

Advisory Board Member of Zeitschrift für praktische Philosophie (since 2013)

Expert Peer Reviewer of the 5th Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: IPCC Working Group III, AR 5, Peer Review of the First Order Draft

Peer Reviewer for the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) (since 2008) in environmental ethics

Peer Reviewer for the SNF (Swiss National Funds) (since 2012) in ethics

Peer Reviewer for the Grazer Philosophy Studies (since 2011),  for Moral Theory and Practice (since 2008), for Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (since 2014) and for Journal of Military Ethics (since 2014)

Member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Vienna (since 2012)

Member of the ThinkTank “future.lab” of the Industriellenvereinigung Österreich (2011-2013)

Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Doctoral School of Sustainable Development of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU, Vienna (since 2011)

Member of the Law- and Philosophy-Workshop at the University of Chicago Law School (2003-2005)