Bücher/Books - Artikel, Beiträge in Sammelwerken/Papers - Neu/New - Internet (links)

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“Debts, Human Rights, and the Poor: From London 1953 to Present Human Rights Violations”, Academics Stand Against Poverty, 3(1), 2023, pp.61–77“ https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1058202 https://journalasap.org/index.php/asap/article/view/32/32

“Analyzing Inequality, Dependence, and Poverty in the World System“, in: Glen Segell (ed) Development, Globalization, Global Values, and Security - Essays in Honor of Arno Tausch, Springer: Cham 2023, pp.41-49.

“Rezeption des Weltsystem-Modells aus der Perspektive der Wirtschaftswissenschaften“, Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte — Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, Jahrgang 22, Heft 1/2, 2021 (publ. 2022), pp.161–182. Auch im Internet: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/plg/zfw/2021/00000022/f0020001

“Development, Value Transfer, and the North-South Divide”, in: Zak Cope and Immanuel Ness (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Economic Imperialism, OUP. Oxford 2022, pp.195-213.

“Financial Markets and COVID-19” in: Nezameddin Faghih and Amir Forouharfar (eds) Socioeconomic Dynamics of the COVID-Crisis, Global, Regional, and Local Perspectives, Contribution to Economics Series, Springer: Cham (Switzerland) 2022, pp.175-193.

“Trade as an Engine to Reach Sustainability”, IDEAS (International Development Economics Associates), What's New on IDEAs (April 1, 2021 to April 15, 2021), 2 April 2021, https://www.networkideas.org/featured-articles/2021/04/trade-as-an-engine-to-reach-sustainability/

“Friedrich List and Dutch Disease: Two Sides of the Same Coin?”, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy - Revista de Economia Política, volume 40 (3), July-September 2020, pp. 493-509 (online: http://www.rep.org.br/) - re-published at IDEAs (International Development Economics Associates) https://www.networkideas.org/featured-articles/2020/07/friedrich-list-and-dutch-disease-two-sides-of-the-same-coin or https://www.networkideas.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/List_Dutch_Disease.pdf

"Debt Crisis and Learning – Replying to Two Stimulating Reviews” (with JB Bohoslavsky), Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol 1 2020; at the moment only online; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ael-2019-0063

“Historia de dos ciudades: Atenas y Buenos Aires”, CICLOS vol. XXVI, n.53, 2019, pp.135-161 - al momento sólo ONLINE, publicación imprimada en prensa; online por favor buscar a www.ojs.econ.uba.ar o: portalcdi.mecon.gov.ar (Ministerio de Economía)

“Developing Economies and Newly Globalized Trade: New Rules to Fleece the South”, in: Nezameddin Fahghi (ed) Globalízation and Development – Economic and Socio-Cultural Perspectives from Emerging Markets, Springer Contributions to Economics 2019, pp.75-92,

“Greece: An EU Inflicted Catastrophe”, in: Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Kunibert Raffer (eds) Sovereign Debt Crises - What Have We Learned? Cambridge University Press 2017, pp.65-84

“Introduction: We Need to Learn from Experience”, (co-authored with J.P. Bohoslavsky) in: Bohoslavsky & Raffer (eds) Sovereign Debt Crises - What Have We Learned?, Cambridge University Press 2017, p p.1-12

“Conclusions: What Has been Learned?”, (co-authored with J.P. Bohoslavsky) in: Bohoslavsky & Raffer (eds) Sovereign Debt Crises - What Have We Learned?, Cambridge University Press 2017, pp.272-287

“Rethinking Sovereign Debt: Pleading for Human Rights, the Rule of Law, and Economic Sense”, Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, 6(3), December 2016, Special Issue: A Symposium on Sovereign Debt Restructuring. Politics, Reputation, and Legitimacy in International Finance, pp. 243–262

“Debts, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law: Advocating a Fair and Efficient Sovereign Insolvency Model”, in: Martin Guzman, José Antonio Ocampo, Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds) Too Little, Too Late, The Quest to Resolve Sovereign Debt Crises, Columbia University Press, New York 2016, pp.253-269

"Mejorando el manejo de la deuda sobre la base de los principios de la UNCTAD”, en Carlos Espósito, Yuefen Li y Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky (coordinadores) Deuda Pública y Derecho Internacional, Tirant, Valencia 2015, pp.225-256

“Neoliberalism and Global Capital Mobility: A Necessary Reconsideration of Textbook Trade Theory”, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 35(2), April-June/2015 (139), pp. 267-284, or: http://www.rep.org.br/PDF/139-4.PDF

“Debts, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law: Advocating a Fair and Efficient Sovereign Insolvency”, Initiative for Policy Dialogue Working Paper Series, May 2015, IPD, Columbia University, New York; or http://policydialogue.org/files/publications/Debts_Human_Rights_and_the_Rule_of_Law_Advocating_a_Fair_and_Efficient_Sovereign_Insolvency_Model.pdf

"NML v. Argentina – Final Proof of a Glaring Imperfection of International Capital Markets", Journal of Stock Forex Trading 3(4), 2014, http://omicsgroup.org/journals/nml-v-argentina-final-proof-of-a-glaring-imperfection-of-international-capital-markets-2168-9458-3-134.pdf

Book Review: The Forgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods, International Development and the Postwar Order (by Eric Helleiner), Zagreb Review of Economics and Business XVII(2) 2014, pp.117-122

“Turning a Small Problem into Catastrophe: The Case of Greece”, in: Daniel Daianu, Giorgio Basevi, Carlo D’Adda & Rajeesh Kumar (eds) The Eurzone Crisis and the Future of Europe – The Political Economy of Further Integration and Governance, (International Political Economy Series, series ed. Timothy M. Shaw) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke & New York 2014, pp.154-170

“Gemeinschaftshaftung und Anreizkompatibilität: Eurobonds und ihre Alternativen“, in: Hermann-Josef Blanke & Stefan Pilz (Hg) Die „Fiskalunion“, Voraussetzungen einer Vertiefung der politischen Integration im Währungsraum der Europäischen Union, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2014, S.207-226

"NML - Argentina: An Unemotional Analysis”, PRIME – Policy Research in Macroeconomics, July 2014 http://www.primeeconomics.org/

“A Sovereign Debt Overhang, Human Rights and the MDGs: Legal Problems through an Economist’s Lens”, in: Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky & Jernej Letnar Černič (eds) Making Sovereign Financing and Human Rights Work, Hart Publishing, Oxford & Portland (Oregon) 2014, pp. 101-114

Bücher/Books - Artikel, Beiträge in Sammelwerken/Papers - Neu/New - Internet (links)