Ein kurzes Papier über Eurokrise und Griechenland - hier zur Förderung unzensurierter, wissenschaftlicher Disksussion abladbar
ENGLISH (Papers since 1993)
LINK to my PPP on "Monetary, Debt and Policy Reform"in the EU at the Conference "Democratic Rewform in Europe", Universitxy of Texas at Austin, 5-6 November 2017 pl click
LINK to the paper presented at the DEBTCON2 Conference at Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, 5-6 October 2017 pl click
LINK to the Conference progamme and videos The Eurozone and the Americas: Debt and Democracy at the The LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin, 2-3 November 2015 Pl. click
For my speech please go to the panel "Dealing with Debt". For my PowerPoint presentation please click here
Prof. James Galbraith and Prof. Yanis Varoufakis of the LBJ School of Public Affairs organized a two-day symposium at the University of Texas in Austin: Can the Eurozone Be Saved? More information at
My speech - starting after about 45 minutes - please click
For my PPT-file Please click
“Which Second Haircut for Greece?”, September 2012,
Conference "The Crisis in the Eurozone" at the University of Texas at Austin, November 2011
- Link to all speeches of the Conference on video
My speech on Greece, Athens, March 2011
A short commentary on the paper by Daniel Gros & Thomas Mayer (CEPS Policy Brief, February 2010) proposing state insolvency for Euro-states and a European Monetary Fund
Power Point presentation of my speech at the UNDP's CSO Debt Consultation "Avoiding the 2015 Debt Crisis", 29-30 May 2008, New York
My paper at the first Conference on Odious Debts: "Odious, Illegitimate, Illegal or Legal Debts - What Difference for an International Chapter 9 Debt Arbitration?", Law and Contemporary Problems 70(4), pp.221-248 or
My speech "Structured International Debt Settlements (SIDS): Insolvency vs. Contested Claims" at the 6th UNCTAD Inter-regional Debt Management Conference, DMFAS, Geneva, 19 - 21 November 2007
"Risks of Lending and Liability of Lenders", Ethics & International Affairs 21(1) 2007
Paper on Information and Transparency in Debt Management presented during the international meetings on debt policy and debt management including UNCTAD's Fifth Inter-Regional Debt Management Conference, Geneva 20 – 24 June 2005,
Presentation at the 4th Inter-regional Debt Management Conference of UNCTAD's Debt Management Programme DMFAS, Geneva, 10-12 November 2003
"What's Good for the United States Must be Good for the World: Advocating an International Chapter 9 Insolvency", Paper presented at the Kreisky Forum (1993)
"Lo que es bueno para los Estados Unidos debe ser bueno para el mundo" (1993)
"Deuda Externa y procedimiento de arbitraje internacional" - Papel originalmente presentado a los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, en agosto de 2001
"¿El fin de la disciminación injusta de los deudores? Comentarios sobre las propuestas del FMI con respecto a un mecanismo de reestructuración de la deuda soberana" - Documento preparado para el G-24 a título informativo para los directores ejecutivos de FMI que representan a los países en desarrollo (31 de enero de 2002)
“Las instituciones de Bretton Woods y las crisis monetarias y financieras“, ICE - Información Comercial Española, Revista de Economía, No. 816 (julio-agosto 2004)
La proposition d'une procédure d'insolvabilité internationale selon le modèle du Chapitre 9 des États-Unis, rapport préparé pour un Colloque au CEDIMES, Université de Neuchatel, 7-9 janvier 1999
"La fin de la discrimination indue à l'encontre des débiteurs? - Commentaires relatifs aux propositions du FMI sur le mécanisme de restructuration de la dette souveraine" - Rapport préparé pour le G24 à l'intention des administrateurs du FMI représentant les pays en développement (le 31 janvier 2002)
and a short presentation of the issue in Raffer & Singer, E.Elgar 1996 (on pp.3ff of this file)
"Introducing Financial Accountability at the IBRD:
An Overdue and Necesssary Reform", Paper presented at the Conference "Reinventing the World Bank", at Northwestern University, Evanston Ill., 14-16 May 1999
"A paper on "Reforming the Bretton Woods Institutions" presented at the Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: Economics and Business in the New Millenium at the University of Zagreb, Croatia (2002) and published in:
Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business (Special Conference Issue) December
2002 - now on
"International Financial Institutions and Financial Accountability" published in Ethics & International Affairs, Volume 18, n.2 (Fall 2004), the journal of the Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs
My Paper prepared for the 2nd Meeting of the ILA SOVEREIGN INSOLVENCY STUDY GROUP, 16 October 2009, Hosted by the Legal Department, International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431
Memoranum submitted to the International Development Committee of the House of Commons, published as Appendix 10 in its 9th Report on The Effectiveness of EC Development Assistance, July 2000
"Cotonou: Slowly Undoing Lomé's Concept of Partnership", Paper presented at the DSA Conference 2001. Manchester University (10-12 September)
"Supping with the Devil without a Long Spoon: The History of ACP-EU Partnership" in: Peter Hermann & Arno Tausch (eds.) Dar al Islam. The Mediterranean, the world system and the “wider EUrope” Vol.2, pp.9ff (Printed version forthcoming at Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York)
"The Main Lesson from the Asian Crisis: ''Dragons' Should Not Fundamentally Change Their Policies"
Ein Beitrag zur Tobinsteuer