Sovereign Debt Crises - What Have We Learned? co-edited with Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Cambridge University Press 2017
Debt Management for Development - Protection of the Poor and the Millennium Development Goals, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)/ Northampton (US) 2010 - Paperback 2011
The Economic North-South Divide: Six Decades of Unequal Development, co-authored with H.W. (Sir Hans) Singer, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)/Northampton (US) 2001 - Paperpack: 2002; 2004
NOW also available on the internet on Elgaronline Please click
The Foreign Aid Business: Economic Assistance and Development Co-operation, co-authored with H.W. (Sir Hans) Singer, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)/Brookfield (US) 1996 - Paperpack: 1997
Unequal Exchange and the Evolution of the World System, Reconsidering the Impact of Trade on North-South Relations, Macmillan/ St. Martin's Press, London & Basingstoke/ New York 1987 (meine/my Habilitation)
Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten von Berggebieten an Staatsgrenzen, dargestellt am Kärntner Gail- und Lesachtal, (Development Options of Mountainous Regions at National Borders: The Case of the Carinthian Valley of Gail and Lesach), Schriftenreihe für Raumforschung und Raumplanung, Vol.15, hg. von/ed. by Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung (Office of the Carinthian State Government), Klagenfurt 1978 (meine Dissertation / my Ph.D. Thesis in Economics
Trade, Transfers, and Development, Problems and Prospects for the Twenty First Century, co-ed.: S.M. Murshed, Edward Elgar, Aldershot (UK) 1993
The Least Developed and the Oil-Rich Arab Countries - Dependence, Interdependence or Patronage?, co-ed.: M.A. Mohamed Salih, Macmillan/ St. Martin's Press, London & Basingstoke/ New York 1992
Please clickHerausgeber/Editor:
Mitherausgeber/Associate Editor
Philipp A. O'Hara (ed) International Encyclopedia of Public Policy; Vol 1, Global Governance and Development [Associate Editors: Kunibert Raffer & Glen Segell] GPERU: Perth 2009, pp. 208-219,