
(Articles, Essays, Books, Edited Volumes)

see also my google account



1.  with Manfred Denker and Christian Grillenberger, Ergodic Theory on Compact Spaces, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 527 (1976)
2. with J. Hofbauer, Evolutionstheorie und dynamische Systeme, Parey Verlag, Hamburg Berlin (1984)
3. with J.Hofbauer, Dynamical Systems and the Theory of Evolution, Cambridge Univ. Press, (1990)
4.  Games of Life (1994) Oxford UP, reprinted in Penguin. Translations in German, Hungarian, Japanese.
            Updated edition (with a new chapter): Dover, New York (2017)
5.   with J. Hofbauer, Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, (1998)
6. with J. Dawson and K. Mühlberger, Kurt Gödel - The Album, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden (2006)
7. The Calculus of Selfishness, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey (2010)
8. Sie nannten sich Der Wiener Kreis - Exaktes Denken am Rand des Untergangs. Springer (2015). Zweite, stark erweiterte Auflage 2018. Übersetzt ins Französische, Russische, Chinesische, Schwedische und Englische (siehe unten).
9. Exact Thinking in Demented Times: the Vienna Circle and the Epic Quest for the Foundations of Science. Basic Books, New York (2017) (an extended translation of [8])
10. The Waltz of Reason. The Entanglement of Mathematics and Philosophy. Basic Books, New York (2023)


1. Über Verteilungsmaße von Maßfolgen auf lokalkompakten Gruppen, Compositio Mathematica 21 (1969), 299-311.
2. Generic properties of invariant measurees for axiom-A-diffeomorphisms, Inventiones math. 11 (1970), 99-109.
3. Ergodic averages for Axiom A diffeomorphisms, Z. Wahrsch. Theorie und verw. Gebiete 20 (1971), 319-324.
4. On the prevalence of zero entropy, Israel J. Math. 10 (1971), 281-288.
5. Mixing measures for axiom-A-diffeomorphisms, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 36 (1972), 497-504.
6. On the space of invariant measures for hyperbolic flows, Journ. Amer. Math. Soc. 94 (1972), 31-37.
7. On dynamical systems with the specification property, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (1974), 295-299.
8. On normal and quasiregular points for endomorphisms of the torus, Math. Syst. Theory 8 (1974), 251-255.
9. On the time evolution of statistical states for Anosov systems, Math. Z. 138 (1974), 183-189.
10. Invariant measures for continuous transformation, Global Analysis and its Applications, IAEA, Vienna (1974), pp. 137-161.
11. with W. Bauer, Topological Dynamics of Transformations Induced on the Space of Probability Measures, Monatshefte für Mathematik 79 (1975), 81-92.
12. Proprietés générales et exceptionnelles des états statistiques de systémes dynamiques stables, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 465 (1975), 294-304.
13. Nombres normaux et théorie ergodique, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 532 (1976), 202-215.
14. On the Distribution of Periodic Points for beta-Shifts, Monatshefte für Mathematik 82 (1976), 247-252.
15. On the Connectedness of Ergodic Systems, Manuscripta Mathematica 22 (1977), 27-32.
16. On minimal centers of attraction and generic points, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 295 (1977), 72-79.
17. Affine transformations on the space of probability measures, Astèrisque 51 (1978), 415-428.
18. Sur la repartition des orbites de certains systems dynamiques, Seminaire de la Theorie des Nombres, Universite de Bordeaux (1978).
19.  with P. Schuster and R. Wolff, Dynamical Systems under Constant Organization Part 1:A Model for Catalytic Hypercycles, Bull. Math. Biophysics 40 (1978), 743 - 769.
20.  with J. Hofbauer and P. Schuster, A note on Evolutionarily Stable Strategies and Game Dynamics, J. Theor. Biol., (1979), 609 - 612.
21. with P. Schuster and R. Wolff, On omega-limits for Competition Between Three Species, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 37 (1979), 49 - 59.
22. with J. Hofbauer, P. Schuster and R. Wolff, Dynamical Systems under Constant Organization Part 2: Homogeneous Growth Functions of Degree 2, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 38 (1980), 282 - 304.
23. with P. Schuster and R. Wolff, Dynamical Systems Under Constant Organization Part 3: Cooperative and Competitive Behavior of Hypercycles, J. Diff. Eqs., 32 (1979), 357 - 368.
24. with P. Schuster, Self-Organization of Biological Macromolecules and Evolutionarily Stable Strategies, Dynamics of Synergetic Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (1980), pp. 156 -169.
25. with P. Schuster,  A Mathematical Model of the Hypercycle, Dynamics of Synergetic Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (1980), pp. 170 - 178.
26. with M. Eigen, P. Schuster and R. Wolff, Elementary Step Dynamics of Catalytic Hypercycles, Biosystem 13 (1980), 1 - 22.
27. with P. Schuster and R. Wolff, Mass Action Kinetics of Selfreplication in Flow Reactors, J. Math. Anal. et Appl., 78 (1980), 68 - 112.
28. with J. Hofbauer, P. Schuster, Competition and Cooperation in Catalytic Self-Replication, Math. Biol., 11 (1981), 155 - 168.
29. with J. Hofbauer, P. Schuster and R. Wolff, Selfregulation of Behavior in Animal Societies, Biol. Cybern., 40 (1981), 1 - 8.
30. with J. Hofbauer, P. Schuster and R. Wolff, Selfregulation of Behavior in Animal Societies. Part 2: Games Between Two Populations with Selfinteraction,Biol. Cybern., 40 (1981), 9 - 15.
31. with R. Gottlieb, J. Hofbauer, P. Merz and P. Schuster, Selfregulation of Behavior in Animal Societies. Part 3: Games Between Two Populations with Selfinteraction, Biol. Cybern., 40 (1981), 16 -25.
32. with P. Schuster, Coyness, Philandering and Stable Strategies Anim. Beh., 29 (1981), 186 - 192.
33. with P. Schuster, A Note on the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism, J. Theor. Biol., 94 (1982), 107-110.
34. with J. Hofbauer and P. Schuster, Game Dynamics for Mendelian Populations, Biol. Cybern., 43 (1982) 51 - 57.
35. with I. Bomze and P. Schuster, The Role of Mendelian Genetics in Strategic Models on Animal Behavior, J. Theor. Biol. 101 (1983), 19 - 38.
36. with P. Schuster, Replicator Dynamics, J. Theor. Biol., 100 (1983) 533-538.
37. The Maximum Principle for Replicator Equations, Lotka-Volterra Approach to Dynamical Systems, edited by M. Peschel Akademie Verlag, Berlin, (1984) .
38. with P. Schuster, Permanence and Uninvadability for Deterministic Population Models, Stochastic Phenomenia and Chaotic Behavior in Complex Systems, (ed. P. Schuster) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (1984).
39. and P. Schuster, Random Selection - A Simple Model Based on Linear Birth and Death Processes, Bull. Math. Biol., 46 (1984), 11 - 17.
40. A Survey of Replicator Equations, Biomathematics 16, Complexity, Language and Life, (ed. J. Casti and A. Karlquist) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (1985).
41. with P. Schuster, Toward a Dynamics of Social Behavior, Journal of Social and Biological Structures 8 (1985), 255 - 277.
42. with P. Schuster, Polynucleotide Evolution and Branching Processes, Bull. Math. Biol. 47 (1985), 239 - 262.
43. with P. Schuster, Evolution and Optimization, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft f. phys. Chemie, 89 (1986) 668 - 682.
44. with J. Hofbauer, Permanence of replicator equations, The Mathematics of Dynamic Processes, (ed. K. Sigmund and A. Kurzhanski) , Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and Math. Systems, (1986).
45. Game Dynamics, Mixed Strategies and Gradient Systems, Theor. Pop. Biol. 32 (1986) 114-126.
46. Gradients for Replicator Systems, Dynamical Systems and Environmental Models, (ed.Bothe et al.), Akademie Verlag, Berlin, (1986).
47. A maximum Principle for Frequency dependent Selection, Math. Biosc. 83, (1987).
48. with M. Koth, Gradients for the Evolution of Asymmetric Games, Math. Biol. 25 (1987), 623 - 635.
49. Permanence and heteroclinic cycles for ecological equations, Proc. Conf. Nonlinear Oscillations Budapest (1987).
50. with J.-P. Aubin, Permanence and Viability, J. of Comp. and Appl. Math. 22 (1988) 203-209.
51. with M.A. Nowak, Oscillations in the evolution of reciprocity, J. Theor. Biol.137 (1989) 21 - 26.
52. with J. Hofbauer, On the stabilizing effect of predators and competitors on ecological communities, J. Math. Biol. 27 (1989) 537 - 548.
53. with M.A. Nowak, Game dynamical aspects of the Prisoner's Dilemma, Applied Math. and Comp. 30 (1989) 191 - 213.
54. with P. Schuster, Multiplication and Sampling: the probability of mutant fixation Math. Biosci. 95 (1989) 37 - 51.
55. with M.A. Nowak, The evolution of stochastic strategies in iterated games, Acta Applicandae Math 20 (1990) 247 - 265.
56. with J. Hofbauer, Adaptive Dynamics and evolutionary stability, Appl. Math. Lett 3 (1990) 75 - 79.
57. with A. Gaunersdorfer and J. Hofbauer, The dynamics of asymmetric games, Theor. Pop. Biol. 29 (1991) 345 - 357.
58. Time averages for unpredictable dynamics, Annals Operations Research 37 (1992) 217 - 228.
59. with M.A. Nowak, Cooperation in Heterogeneous Populations, (eds. Fischer, C.H. and Laming, D) Proceedings of the EMPG Meeting, Springer (New York) (1992).
60. with M.A. Nowak, Tit for Tat in heterogeneous populations, Nature 355 (1992) 250 - 253.
61. On Prisoners and Cells, Nature 359 (1992) 774
62. Monomophic and Polymorphic Models for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, (ed. V. Capasso, and Demongeot, J.) Proceedings of the First European Conference of Mathematics Applied to Biology and Medicine, Springer (New York)(1992).
63. Have book, will travel, Nature 362 (1993) 669-70
64. with M.A. Nowak, Chaos and the evolution of cooperation, Proc. Nat. Acad. Science USA 90 (1993) 5091 - 5094.
65. with M.A. Nowak, Win-stay, lose-shift outperforms tit-for-tat, Nature 364 (1993) 56 - 58.
66. with M.A. Nowak, The alternating Prisoner's Dilemma, J. of Theoretical Biology 168 (1994) 219 - 226.
67. with M.A. Nowak, R.M. May, et al., Antigenic oscillations and shifting immunodominance in HIV-I infections, Nature 375 (1994) 606 - 611
68. Virtually A-Life, Science 265 (1994), 1900-1901
69. Echoes of Chaos, Nature 378 (1995) 453
70. with M.A. Nowak and E. El-Sedy, Automata, repeated games, and noise, in J. Math. Biol. 33 (1995), 703-722.
71. with M.A. Nowak, Invasion Dynamics of the finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, Games and Economic Behavior 11 (1995), 364 - 390.
72. with H. Peyton Young, Introduction to Special issue: Evolutionary game Theory in Biology and Economics, Games and Economic Behavior 11 (1995), 103-110
73. with M.A. Nowak and R.M. May, Immune response against multiple epitopes, J.Theor. Biology 175 (1995) 325 - 353.
74. with M.A. Nowak and R.M. May, The arithmetics of mutual help, Scientific American 272 (1995) 76 - 83
75. Darwins Circles of Complexity, Complexity 1 (1995) 40 - 44.
76. The Santa Fe telegraph, Nature 377 (1995) 265-6
77. with M.C. Boerlijst, M.A. Nowak, Equal pay for all prisoners, AMS Monthly 104 (1997) 303-307.
78. with M.C. Boerlijst, M.A.Nowak, The Logic of Contrition, J.Theor. Biology 185 (1997) 281-294.
79. with M.A.Nowak, The Natural History of Mutal Aid, In: Wissenschaft als Kultur (ed. F.Stadler) Springer Wien (1997) 259 - 272.
80. Games Evolution Plays, Plenum Press In: New Aspects of Human Ethology (ed: A.Schmitt et al) (1997) 65 - 75.
81. Automaten für wiederholte Spiele, Journal for Science of Research 11 - 12 (1997) 187 - 204.
82. with M.A.Nowak, Evolution of indirect reciprocity by image scoring, Nature 393 (1998) 573-577.
83. with M.A. Nowak, The Dynamics of Indirect Reciprocity, Theol.Biol.194 (1998) 561-574.
84.Complex adaptive systems and the evolution of reciprocation, Ecosystems 1 (1998) 444-448.
85. Population Dynamics of Conflict and Cooperation, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicans 1998, Documenta Mathematica 1 (1998), 487-506.
86. with M. A. Nowak, Cyber-sociology, Nature 392 (1998) 457.
87. with E. Szathmary, Merging lines and emerging levels, Nature 392 (1998), 439-441
88. with M.A.Nowak, Darwins Dynamik, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Math.Ver. 4 (1998) 37-44.
89. with Vincent A.A. Jansen, Shaken not Stirred: On Permanence in Ecological Communities, Theor. Pop.Biol. 54 (1998) 195-201.
90. with M. A. Nowak, What two legs can learn from four legs, Nature 395 (1998) 760-761
91. The Social Life of Automata, Mathematical and Computational Biology (ed: Ch. Nehaniv) Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Sciences, AMS 26 (1999), 133-146.
92. with M.A. Nowak, Phage-lift for game theory, Nature 398 (1999) pp. 367-368 (französische Übersetzung: Aux racines de la coopération, La Recherche 325 (1999) 38-39
93. with Martin Posch and Alexander Pichler, The efficiency of adapting aspiration levels, Proc.R.Soc.London B 266 (1999) 1427-1435.
94. Deviating from the line, Nature 400 (1999) 129-130
95. with M.A.Nowak, Evolutionary Game Theory, Current Biology 9 (1999),503-505
96. with M. A. Nowak, Games on Grids, in: The Geometry of Ecological Interactions (Editors U. Dieckmann, R. Law and J. A. J. Metz) Cambridge University Press (2000), 135-150.
97. with M. A. Nowak, Shrewd investments, Science 288 (2000) 819-820
98. with M.A. Nowak and Karen Page, Fairness versus reason in the Ultimatum Game, Science 289 (2000) 1773-1775
99. with M.A. Nowak, Cooperation versus Competition, Financial Analysts Journal 56 (2000), 13-22
100. with M.A. Nowak and Karen Page, The spatial ultimatum game, Proc. Royal Society B, (2000) 267, 2177-82
101. with M. A. Nowak, Playing for Keeps, Science 290, (2000) 281
102. with Martin A Nowak, A Tale of two Selves, Science 290 (2000) 949-50
103. with M.A. Nowak, Tides of Tolerance, Nature 414 (2001) 403-5
104. William D. Hamilton's work in evolutionary game theory, Theoretical Pop Biology 59, (2001) 3-6
105. with Christoph Hauert and Martin A. Nowak, Reward and punishment, Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. 98 (2001) 10757-10762
106. Complex Adaptive Systems and the Evolution of Reciprocation, in Garrido-Marro (eds) Modeling Complex Systems, Sixth Granada Lectures on Computational Physics,American Institute of Physics, Melville New York (2001) 29-37
107. with Ernst Fehr and Martin A. Nowak, The Economics of Fair Play, Scientific American 286 (January 2002) 80-85
108. with Martin A.Nowak, Super- and Coinfection: the two extremes, (U.Dieckmann et al.eds), Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases, Cambridge Studies in Adaptive Dynamics, Cambridge UP (2002) 124-137.
109. with C. Hauert, S. De Monte and J. Hofbauer, Volunteering as a Red Queen mechanism for cooperation, Science 296 (2002) 1129-1132..
110. with C. Hauert, Altruism, Current Biology 12 (2002) R270-273.
111. with C. Hauert, S. DeMonte and J. Hofbauer, Replicator dynamics for optional public goods games, J. Theor. Biol (2002) 218, 187-194
112. with M.A.Nowak, Bacterial game dynamics, Nature 418 (2002) 138-9
113. Eine kurze Geschichte des Nash-Gleichgewichts, (ed. Aigner, M. und Behrends, E), Alles Mathematik, Vieweg (2002) 213-225
114. with H. Brandt and C. Hauert, Punishment and reputation in spatial public goods games, Proc. Royal Society B 270 (2003) 1099-1104
115. Evolutionäre Spieltheorie -- von Gesellschaftsspielen zum Spielen mit Gesellschaften. in Evolution in den Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften (eds. A. Diekmann und R. Moser), Haupt-Verlag, Bern (2003).
116. Cooperation. Encyclopedia of Evolution (ed. M. Pagel), Oxford Univ Press (2002) vol 1, 205-209
117. with J. Henrich, S. Bowles, R. Boyd, A. Hopfensitz, P. Richerson, E. Smith. F. Weissing and P. Young, The cultural amd genetic evolution of human cooperation, in P. Hammerstein (ed.) Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Cooperation, Dahlem Conf. Reports, MIT Press (2003)
118. with J. Hofbauer, Evolutionary Game Dynamics, Bulletin AMS 40 (2003) 479-519
119. with Martin A. Nowak, Population dynamics in evolutionary ecology, in Life Sciences for the 21st Century (eds. E. Keinan, I. Schechter and M. Sela) Wiley (2003)
120. 'Was you ever bit by a dead bee?' -- Evolutionary games and dominated strategies, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2003) 175-176
121. with Martin A. Nowak, Evolutionary Dynamics of Biological Games, Science 303 (2004) 793-8
122. with Ch. Hauert and N. Haiden, The dynamics of public goods, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 4 (2004) 575-585
123. Question and Answer, Current Biology 14 (2004) R541
124. Play it again, John, Nature 431 (2004) 509-510
125. Kolmogorov et la dynamique des populations, in L'héritage de Kolmogorov en mathématiques (eds. E. Charpentier, A. Lesne and N. Nikolki) Belin (2004) translated as Kolmogorov and population dynamics in Kolmogorov's heritage in Mathematics, Springer (2007)
126. with H. Brandt, The logic of reprobation: assessment and action rules for indirect reciprocity, Journ. Theor. Biol. 231 (2004) 475-48
127. Three's company when searching for unanimity, PNAS 101 (2004), 17885-6
128. with H. Brandt, Indirect reciprocity, image scoring, and moral hazard, PNAS 102 (2005) 2666-2670
129. The Man of the Crowd, American Scientist, 93 (2005) 264-266
130. John Maynard Smith and evolutionary game theory, Theor. Pop. Biol. 68 (2005) 7-11
131. with Martin A Nowak, Evolution of indirect reciprocity, Nature 437 (2005) 1292-1298
132. with H. Brandt and C. Hauert, Punishing and abstaining for public goods, PNAS 103 (2006) 495-497
133. with H. Brandt, The good, the bad and the discriminator - Errors in direct and indirect reciprocity, Journ. Theor. Biol. 239 (2006) 183-194
134. with H. Brandt, H. Ohtsuki, and Y. Iwasa, A Survey of Indirect Reciprocity, in Takeuchi at al (eds) Mathematics for Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Springer Berlin (2007) 21-51
135. with Martin A Nowak, How populations cohere: five rules for cooperation, in R M May and A McLean (eds) Theoretical Ecology: Principles and Applications, Oxford UP, Oxford (2007) 7-16
136. with C. Hauert, A. Traulsen, MA Nowak and H. Brandt, Via freedom to coercion: the emergence of costly punishment,
Science 316 (2007) 1905-1907
137. Punish or Perish? Retaliation and Collaboration among humans, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22 (2007) 593-600
138. with C. Hauert, A. Traulsen, H. Brandt, M.A. Nowak, Public goods with punishment and abstaining in finite and infinite populations, Biol. Theor. 3 (2008) 114-122
139. with A. Traulsen, C. Hauert, H. de Silva, MA Nowak, Exploration dynamics in evolutionary games, PNAS 106 (2009) 709-706
140. Sympathy and similarity: the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation, PNAS 106 (2009) 8405-8406
141. with H. de Silva, Public Good Games with Incentives: the role of reputation. In S.A. Levin (ed.) Games, Groups and the Global Good, Springer Series in Game Theory (2009) 85-114
142. The loitering presence of the rational actor, American Scientist 97 (2009) 510-513
143. Öffentliche Güter und die Bestrafung von Trittbrettfahrern - zwischen Zwang und Freiwilligkeit, Jahrbuch 2008 der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 54 (2009) 391-395
144. with S. Uchida, The competition of assessment rules for indirect reciprocity. Journ. Theor. Biol. 263 (2010) 13-19
145. with H. de Silva, C. Hauert and A. Traulsen, Freedom, enforcement, and the social dilemma of strong altruism, J. Evol. Econ. 20 (2010) 203-217
146. with C. Hilbe, Incentives and opportunism: from the carrot to the stick, Proc. R. Soc. London B 277 (2010) 2427-2433
147. with H. de Silva, C. Hauert and A. Traulsen, Social learning promotes institutions for governing the commons, Nature 466 (2010) 861-863
148. Let's keep the debate focussed (correspondence) Nature 467 (2010) 920
149. with H. de Silva, C. Hauert and Arne Traulsen, Social control and the social contract: the emergence of sanctioning systems for collective action, Dyn Games Appl. 1 (2011) 149-171
150. with C. Hilbe, Darwin and the evolution of human cooperation, in H. Meyer-Ortmanns and S. Thurner (eds.), Principles of Evolution, Springer Heidelberg (2011)
151. Introduction to evolutionary game theory, in K. Sigmund (ed.) Evolutionary Game Dynamics, Amer. Math. Soc. Rhode Island (2011), pp. 1-25
152. with T. Sasaki, A. Brannstrom and U. Dieckmann, The take-it-or-leave-it option allows small penalties to overcome social dilemmas, PNAS 109, (2012) 1165-1169 DOI:10.1073/pnas.1115219109
153. Moral assessment in indirect reciprocity, Journal Theor. Biol.299 (2012) 25-30, DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.03.024
154. with C. Hilbe, Game theory, in A. Hastings and LJ Gross (eds.) Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology, Berkeley, Univ. of California Press (2012)
155. with C. Hilbe and M.A. Nowak, The evolution of extortion in Iterated prisoner's Dilemma games, PNAS 110, 6913-6918 (2013)DOI:10.1073/pnas.1214834110
156. with Boyu Zhang, Cong Li, Hannelore de Silva, and Peter Bednarik, The Evolution of Sanctioning Institutions: an experimental approach to the social contract, Experimental Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10683-013-9367-7
157. The Basis of Morality: Richard Alexander on Indirect Reciprocity, in K. Summers and B. Crespi, Human Social Evolution - The Foundational Works of Richard D. Alexander, Oxford UP (2013) p. 199-208
158. with C.Hilbe, Chains between Prisoners. Eureka (Journal of the Archimedeans, the Cambridge University Mathematical Society) 63 (2014) p.32-34
159. with Lee YH, Dieckmann U and Iwasa Y, Games of corruption: How to suppress illegal logging, J. Theor. Biol. 367 (2015), 1-13
160. with C. Hilbe and A. Traulsen, Partners or Rivals? Strategies for the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. Games Econ. Behav. 92 (2015), 41-52
161. with M.A. Nowak:  How virtue was born. Gerontology  64 (2017), 201-204
162. with Joung-Hun Lee, Yoh Iwasa and Ulf Dieckmann, Social Evolution Leads to Persistent Corruption,
166. The spy who flunked it: Kurt Gödel's forgotten part in the atom-bomb story. Nature 627, 26-28, (2024)
167. with H. de Silva:  Dynamics of Signaling Games.  SIAM Review 66 (2024), 368-38
168. Sternstunden für Späteinsteiger. Mitteilungen der DMV 32 (2024) 166-169




1.      (with L. Schmetterer), Hans Hahn - Kurzbiographie, Hans Hahn Collected Works Vol. 1 Springer Wien, 1995, 21-37
2. A Philosopher's Mathematician - Hans Hahn and the Vienna Circle, Mathematical Intelligencer 17 (1995),  16 - 29.
3. Hans Hahn and the Foundational Debate, Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 3: The Foundational Debate,  235 - 245.
4. (with G.Helmberg), Nestor of Mathematicians: Leopold Vietoris turns 105, Mathematical Intelligencer 18 (1996),  47-50
5. Musil, Perutz, Broch - Mathematik und die Wiener Literaten, Neue Züricher Zeitung 56 (1997), 9. März, nachgedruckt in den Internationalen Mathematischen Nachrichten 175 (1997). 46 - 52, nachgedruckt in den DMV-Mitteilungen 7 (1999)  47- 54.
6. Menger's Ergebnisse, - A Biographical Introduction, Karl Menger - Ergebnisse eines Mathematischen Kolloquiums, (ed. E. Dierker, K. Sigmund), Springer Verlag Wien, (1998),  5-31
7. Die Nazis kochten schlechten Kaffee - Dawsons Gödel-Biografie, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19.8.1999, 49
8. (with L. Golland) Exact Thought in a Demented Time -- Karl Menger and his Viennese Mathematical  Colloqium, Mathematical Intelligencer 22, (2000),  34-45
9.  (with M. Gyllenberg) The Fibonacci Chimney, Math Intelligencer, 22 (2000),  46
10. Kepler in Eferding, Math Intelligencer 23 (2001),  47-53
11. Kühler Abschied von Europa, Wien 1938 und der Exodus der Mathematik, Ausstellungskatalog (2001), ÖMG
12. Karl Menger and Vienna's Golden Autumn, in Karl Menger, Selecta Mathematics I (eds. Schweizer et al) Springer Wien-New York 2002. 7-21
13. Commentary on Karl Menger's 'Austrian Marginalism and Mathematical Economics', in Karl Menger, Selecta Mathematics II (eds. Schweizer et al)
Springer Wien-New York 2002, 527-530
14. Evolutionäre Spieltheorie - Von Gesellschaftsspielen zum Spielen mit Gesellschaften. In A. Diekmann und R. Moser (Hg.); Evolution in den Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Berner Universitätsschriften. Verlag Paul Haupt 2003.
15. Nachlese zu den 'Gödel-lectures', Intern. Math. Nachrichten 193 (2003)  21-36
16. Die Ökonomie der Spiele -- zum 100. Geburtstag von John von Neumann, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 27/28.12.2003
17. Kepler's conjecture, review of the book by G. Szpiro, Mathematical Intelligencer 26 (2004) 66-67
18. Failing Phoenix: Tauber, Helly, and Viennese Life Insurance, Mathematical Intelligencer 26 (2004), 21-33
19. (with Anna Maria Sigmund and Peter Michor) Leray in Edelbach, Mathematical Intelligencer 27 (2005) 41-50, deutsche Übersetzung in den Internationalen Mathematischen Nachrichten, 199 (2005) 1-11
20. Hans Hahn, in Sarkar, S. and Pfeifer, J (eds) The Philosophy of Science -- An Encyclopedia, Routledge 2006, Vol. 1, pp.341-344
21. (with  E. Hlawka),  Leopold Schmetterer, Nachruf, Almanach der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2005, 427-436
22. (with C. Binder and E. Hlawka) Nachruf auf Leopold Schmetterer, Monatsh. Math. 147 (2006) 1-10
23. Pictures at an Exhibition, Notices AMS 53 (2006) 426-430, deutsche Fassung: Bilder einer Ausstellung, Intern. Math. Nachrichten 201 (2006) 1-12 und Mitteilungen der DMV, 14 (2006) 111-115
24. Post von Gödel, Die Zeit , 27. April 2006, S.34
25. Der Virtuose des Widerspruchs, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 19. April 2006, S. 57
26. Dozent Gödel wird nicht lesen, Die Presse 22.April 2006, Spektrum S.12
27. (with John Dawson) Gödel's Vienna, Mathematical Intelligencer 28 (2006) 44-55, Nachdruck in IMN 204 (2007) 1-22
28. (with Bernhard Beham) A short tale of two cities: Otto Schreier and the Hamburg-Vienna connection, Mathematical Intelligencer 30 (2008) 27-35, Nachdruck in IMN 210 (2009) 1-18
29. (with Peter Michor) Messen, messen, messen. Die Presse 6.3. 2010, Spektrum S.4
30. Darwin, Spieltheorie und die Evolution der Kooperation, in Evolution - Entwicklung und Dynamik in den Wissenschaften (Herausgeber: Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bd. 13), Böhlau Verlag, (2010), 155-167
31. 'Dozent Gödel will not lecture', in Baaz, M. et al (eds.), Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge UP, Cambridge (2011), 75-109
32. (with Julia Danielczyk) Post aus Princeton. Programmheft der Salzburger Festspiele 2011 für Daniel Kehlmann: Geister in Princeton, 3-11
33. (with Josef Teichmann and Walter Schachermayer) Franz Alt 1910-2011, Int. Math. News 218 (2011), 1-10
34. Sozialkontrakt und Selbstdomestikation, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24. Dezember 2012, S.31
35. Mathematik als universelle Wissenschaftssprache, in Kommunikation - Objekt und Agens von Wissenschaft (Hrsg. R. Neck, H. Schmidinger, S. Weigelin-Schwiedrzik), Böhlau (2013), S.71-86
36. Einsteins Wiener Weggefährten, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 13.5.2015, p.38
37. John Nash 1928-2015, Der Standard 27.5.2015, p.15
38. (with F. Stadler) Schmähwort Positivist. Die Zeit 18.6.2015, p.12
39. Mathematik an der Universität Wien. In Fröschl et al, Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität, Vienna University Press 2015, p. 459-473
40. (with P. Michor) John Forbes Nash Jr. 1928-2015. Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 69, 2015. 1-12
41. Ein Fall von Exzess des Mathematischen. Der Standard 19.10.2016, p.11
42.Wenn Zahlen zählen. Die Presse 12.11.2016.
43. (mit M.A. Nowak) Wie das Gute in die Welt kam. Die Presse 19.8.2017
44. Ludwig D Faddeev, Almanach der ÖAW 167, 339-344, 2018
45. Geleitwort zu: Reich, K. und Roussanova, E: Karl Kreil und der Erdmagnetismus. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2018
46. Mathematik hinter dem Stacheldraht. Der Standard  2.5.2018
47. Kolossale Körper. Die Presse 16.2.2019 
48. Zeit für Gödel. Wiener Zeitung  23. Juli 2019
49. Hubert Christian Ehalt oder Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft. In Assman et al (Hrsg.) Geschichte und Gerechtigkeit. LIT-Verlag Wien 2019, p. 336-343.
50. Der Wiener Kreis - Die mathematische Hälfte. In Arnswald, Stadler, Weibel (Hrsg.) Der Wiener Kreis - Aktualität in Wissenschaft, Literatur, Architektur und Kunst. LIT-Verlag Wien 2019, p. 131-155.
51. Ein Physiker bringt Ordnung ins Leben. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1.Nov. 2019, nachgedruckt in Wiener Zeitung 28.Dez. 2019
52. Der fabelhafte Satz des Georg Pick. Der Standard, 11.3.2020, p.14-15
53. Wie man mit Seuchen rechnet. Die Presse 21.4.2020 p.20      
54. Mathematik in Zeiten der Pandemie. Der Standard 10.3.2021, p.22-23
55. Der Geist in der Maschine. Der Standard, 16.3.2022, 32-33
56. Hitlers Bombe und die Warnung aus Wien. Die Presse, 24.7. 2023, 18-19
57. Kein Platz für Kurt Gödel im Ehrenhof der Uni Wien. Die Presse, 19.7.2024, 26-27


Edited Volumes

1. (with J.P. Aubin and D. Saari) Dynamics of Macrosystems, Springer Lecture Notes, 1985
2. (with A.B. Kurzhanski) Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of a Workshop, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 287, Springer Heidelberg, 1987
3. (with A.B. Kurzhanski) Evolution and Control in Biological Systems, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 14, 1989
4. (with H. Peyton Young) Evolutionary Game Theory in Biology and Economics, Games and Economic Behaviour 11 (2) 1995
5. (with Leopold Schmetterer) Hans Hahn, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Vol I , Springer Wien-New York, 1995
6. (with Leopold Schmetterer) Hans Hahn, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Vol II , Springer Wien-New York, 1996
7. (with Leopold Schmetterer) Hans Hahn, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Vol III , Springer Wien-New York, 1997
8. (with E. Dierker) Karl Menger -- Ergebnisse eines Mathematischen Kolloquiums, Springer Wien-New York, 1998
9. (with B. Schweizer, A. Sklar, P. Gruber, E. Hlwaka, L. Reich and L. Schmetterer) Karl Menger, Selecta Mathematica I, Springer Wien-New York 2002
10. (with U. Dieckmann, J.A.J. Metz, and M.W. Sabelis) Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: in pursuit of virulence management, Cambridge Studies in Adaptive Dynamics, Cambridge UP, 2002
11. (with B. Schweizer, A. Sklar, P. Gruber, E. Hlwaka, L. Reich and L. Schmetterer) Karl Menger, Selecta Mathematica II, Springer Wien-New York 2003
12. Evolutionary Game Dynamics. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, American Math Society, Providence, Rhode Island 2011