JH's Links to Population Dynamics and Mathematical Biology


European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB)
European Society for Evolutionary Biology
Society of Mathematical Biology .
Math Biology groups in the UK
Math Biology in Vienna (old version is here ): see also MaBS (Hermisson's group)
Evolutionary Theory Club ,


Wolfgang Alts group in Bonn
Ellen Baake
Minus van Baalen
Sebastian Bonhoeffer: Theoretical Biology at the ETH Zürich
Reinhard Bürger
Nick Britton
Mark Broom
Carlos Castillo-Chavez and his SACNAS biography
Mark Chaplain (Dundee)
Sean Collins and the Centre for Behavioral Biology at Bristol
Ross Cressman
Jim Cushing
Michael Doebeli
Pauline van den Driessche
Rick Durrett offers a hypertext tutorial on Stochastic spatial models .
Roderick Edwards
Stephen Ellner
Martin Feinberg and his famous Lectures On Reaction Networks and his Chemical Reaction Network Toolbox
Herb Freedman
Tom Gard is the expert on stochastic persistence.
Georgij F. Gause: The Struggle for Existence is online.
Sergej Gavrilets
Stefan Geritz
Stephen Gourley
Jean-Luc Gouzé
Alan Grafen
Bob Griffiths
Mats Gyllenberg
Gyori Istvan
Karl P. Hadeler 's Biomathematik-Gruppe in Tübingen
Arndt von Haeseler is head of the Center of Integrative Bioinformatics in Vienna
John Haigh
Peter Hammerstein, Andreas Herz und Hanspeter Herzel am Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie in Berlin.
Alan Hastings
Hans Heesterbeek
Marcel Holyoak
Frank C. Hoppensteadt
Laurence Hurst
Vivian Hutson
Mimmo Iannelli
Yoh Iwasa
Vincent Jansen
Wolfgang Jansen has a bifurcation analysis software CANDYS/QA
Kisdi Eva has a great bibliography on adaptive dynamics
Ryusuke Kon
Vlastimil Krivan
Yang Kuang
Michael Lachmann
Richard Law
Simon Levin
Philip Maini
John McNamara and the Centre for Behavioral Biology at Bristol
Geza Meszena
Gerd Müller
Thomas Nagylaki
Sean Nee
Claudia Neuhauser
Martin Nowak
Mark Pernarowski
Andrew Pomiankowski
Sergio Rinaldi
Lih-Ing Wu Roeger
Shigui Ruan
Sebastian Schreiber
Peter Schuster
Karl Sigmund
Hal Smith
Joseph Wai Hung So
David Sumpter
Eörs Szathmary
Yasuhiro Takeuchi
Peter Taylor
Horst Thieme
Glenn T. Vickers
Andreas Wagner has a new book: Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems
Günther Wagner
Paul Waltman
Glenn Webb
Franjo Weissing
Gail Wolkowicz
Jianhong Wu
Mary Lou Zeeman

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