Josef Hofbauer: Editorial Service

The Journal of Dynamics and Games (JDG) (started in 2014) is an applied mathematics journal devoted to the interface of Dynamical Systems (discrete, continuous, deterministic, or stochastic) and Game Theory. Submissions are highly welcome.

In Sept 2009 I joined the board of the new journal Games, published by MDPI - Open Access Publishing, with Carlos Alos-Ferrer as the Founding Editor-in-Chief, succeeded by Ulrich Berger as Editor-in-Chief.

Monatshefte für Mathematik was founded as Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik in 1890 by Gustav von Escherich and Emil Weyr. Since then it has been edited by the Professors of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Vienna, and is published by the Vienna branch of Springer-Verlag.
Additionally, I was a member of the editorial board of the following journals.


was devoted to all aspects of theoretical biology and was founded in 2000 by Eörs Szathmary. The first volume (2000) honored the 80th birthday of John Maynard Smith. I contributed the paper From Nash and Brown to Maynard Smith: Equilibria, dynamics and ESS to this volume.
Unfortunately this journal died after 3 years. All published papers can be downloaded from its website .

International Journal of Game Theory (IJGT)

Games and Economic Behavior (GEB)

IJGT was founded in 1971 by Oskar Morgenstern and was hosted until (at least) 1983 by the Institute for Advanced Study (IHS) in Vienna. From 2001 until 2003 I was happy to be on the editorial board of IJGT, under the managing editor Sylvain Sorin.
GEB was founded in 1988 by Ehud Kalai. It has a high reputation among economists. (A recent ranking places it 11th or 9th among 159 economics journals.)
For individuals both these journals are available at very reasonable subscription rates through a membership of The Game Theory Society.

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B

DCDS was founded in 1995 by Shouchuan Hu. It is now regarded as one of the top journals in the area. In 2001 DCDS - Series B was launched as A journal bridging mathematics and sciences .
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