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6.1 NPT Monte Carlo

Samples the phase space of a constant-P, constant-T ensemble with the appropriate phase space probability. In addition to the particle moves performed at constant $V,T$, changes of the volume $V$ are attempted and accepted/rejected according to an evaluation of the enthalpy change. A simple LJ simulation of the NPT type is sketched here:

For given $T$ and $P$, let the instantaneous volume be $V$ and the particle positions $\vec{r}_{i}$, $i=1 \dots N$. As usual, the maximum particle step and the maximum volume change are adjusted to achieve an acceptance ratio near $0.5$.

Note 1: If you are lucky, the model pair potential may be written in the scalable form $u(r_{ij}) = f^{m} u(s_{ij})$ where $s_{ij}$ is a scaled distance, and $f$ is the scaling factor. In such cases the total potential energy after a volume change need not be recalculated from scratch; rather, we have $U'_{pot}=f^{m}  \sum_{i<j}u(s_{ij})=f^{m}  U_{pot}$. As an example, take the $r^{-12}$ term in the Lennard-Jones potential. When scaling all distances from $r_{ij}$ to $f r_{ij}$, where $f \equiv (V'/V)^{1/3}$, we have
U'_{rep}=4 \epsilon   \sum_{j>i} f^{-12}  r_{ij}^{-12} =
...psilon f^{-12}  \sum_{j>i} r_{ij}^{-12} =
f^{-12}  U_{rep}
\end{displaymath} (6.4)

Note 2: A sample program for NPT MC (and for many other simulation techniques), may be found on the web page of Allen and Tildesley's textbook,

Note 3: A JAVA applet for NPT MC (and for many other simulation techniques), may be found on the web page of David Kofke, U of Buffalo,
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F. J. Vesely / University of Vienna