Franz J. Vesely > Lectures > Linear Models 


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Square Well Lines (SWL):

General (non-parallel) configuration

Model suggested by Szabolcs Varga, Oct 2008:

Consider two lines of finite length $L = 2h$ containing a homogeneous density of square well centers. Let $\vec{e}_{1,2}$ be the direction vectors, $\vec{r}_{12}$ the vector between the centers of the two line segments, and $\lambda, \, \mu$ parameters giving the positions of the interacting points along $1$ and $2$. The squared distance between any two such points is given by $r^{2}= \left| r_{12}+\mu \cdot \vec{e}_{2}-\lambda \cdot \vec{e}_{1} \right|^{2} $. The total interaction energy between the two lines is then

$ u(1,2) \equiv u(\vec{r}_{12},\vec{e}_{1},\vec{e}_{2}) = \frac{\textstyle 1}{\textstyle L^{2}} \int \limits_{\textstyle 1}d\lambda \int \limits_{\textstyle 2}d\mu \, \, u_{SW}\left[ r(\lambda,\mu) \right] $

with $u_{SW}(r)= \infty $ if $r < 1$, $= - \epsilon $ if $1 < r < r_{2}$, and $=0$ for $r > r_{2}$. Typically, $r_{2}=1.5 - 2.0$.

Any 2d configuration (except $d=1$):
Having found the intersection point $(\lambda_{0},\mu_{0})$ of the carrier lines on which the two sticks reside, we move the coordinate origin to this point. The centers of the two sticks are then at $\gamma_{0}=-\lambda_{0}$, $\delta_{0}=-\mu_{0}$. Written in the new coordinates the potential is
$ u(1,2) \equiv u(\vec{r}_{12},\vec{e}_{1},\vec{e}_{2}) = \frac{\textstyle - \epsilon}{\textstyle L^{2}} \int \limits_{\textstyle \gamma_{0}-h}^{\textstyle \gamma_{0}+h} d \gamma \int \limits_{\textstyle \delta_{0}-h}^{\textstyle \delta_{0}+h} d \delta \, \, u_{SW}\left[ r(\gamma, \delta) \right] $

with $r^{2}(\gamma, \delta) = \gamma^{2}+\delta^{2}-2 \gamma \delta d$.

In the $(\gamma, \delta )$ plane the integration region is represented by a square $S$ of side length $L$ around $(\lambda_{0},\mu_{0})$. However, the integrand in non-zero, and constant, only for $ r^{2}(\gamma, \delta ) < r_{2}^{2}$. In other words, the integral gives the area shared by the square $S$ and an ellipse $E$ described by $\gamma^{2}+\delta^{2}-2 \gamma \delta d -r_{2}^{2}=0$.

The potential between two SWL particles is given by the area of the overlap region between the square $S: \{ \gamma_{0} \pm h, \delta_{0} \pm h, \}$ and the ellipse $E: \gamma^{2}+\delta^{2}-2 \gamma \delta d -r_{2}^{2}=0$ .

Since this overlap region must be within the smallest rectangle $R$ containing the ellipse, only the - generally rectangular - section $S \cap R$ needs to be considered; see Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Square well lines: $L=2$, $r_{2}=1.5$. The inset shows the configuration represented in the $\gamma, \delta$ plane. The potential is given by the overlap area of square and ellipse. The horizontal line through the rightmost ellipse point is important for discriminating 3 cases (see text.) [Ignore the gaps in the ellipse - just bad use of gnuplot...]

Here is the procedure in detail:

Consider two sticks in the plane, with centers at $ \vec{r}_{i}$ and with direction vectors $\vec{e}_{i}$ ($i=1,2$). Make sure that $d \equiv \vec{e}_{1} \cdot \vec{e}_{2} > 0$, if need be by $\vec{e}_{2} \rightarrow -\vec{e}_{2} $. The rod half length is denoted by $h \equiv L/2$, and the parameters of points on the carrier lines, as counted from the rod centers, are $\lambda$, $\mu$.

We assume that there is no hard body overlap between the two spherocylinders defined by the repulsive part of the SW interaction; this may be ascertained in the usual way, see here.
  • Determine the intersection of the two carrier lines according to $\lambda_{0}=(c-bd)/(1-d^{2})$ and $\mu_{0}=(cd-b)/(1-d^{2})$, with $b \equiv \vec{r}_{12} \cdot \vec{e}_{2}$ and $c \equiv \vec{r}_{12} \cdot \vec{e}_{1}$. Using new parameters $\gamma \equiv \lambda - \lambda_{0}$, $\delta \equiv \mu - \mu_{0}$ originating at the intersection point we may write the SWL potential as

    $ u(1,2) \equiv u(\vec{r}_{12},\vec{e}_{1},\vec{e}_{2}) = \frac{\textstyle 1}{\textstyle L^{2}} \int \limits_{\textstyle \gamma_{0}-h}^{\textstyle \gamma_{0}+h} d \gamma \int \limits_{\textstyle \delta_{0}-h}^{\textstyle \delta_{0}+h} d \delta \, \, u_{SW}\left[ r(\gamma, \delta) \right] $

    with $r^{2}(\gamma, \delta) = \gamma^{2}+\delta^{2}-2 \gamma \delta d$, and $u_{SW}(r)/ \epsilon= \Theta [1 - r]- \Theta [r_{2}-r]$.

    We use symmetry arguments to reduce the set of possible pair configurations $(\gamma_{0},\delta_{0})$:
    if $\delta_{0} < 0$ and $\gamma_{0}^{2} < \delta_{0}^{2}$ (lower quadrant), let $(\gamma_{0},\delta_{0}) \rightarrow (-\gamma_{0},-\delta_{0})$
    if $\gamma_{0} > 0$ and $\delta_{0}^{2} < \gamma_{0}^{2}$ (right quadrant), let $(\gamma_{0},\delta_{0}) \rightarrow (\delta_{0},\gamma_{0})$
    if $\gamma_{0} < 0$ and $\delta_{0}^{2} < \gamma_{0}^{2}$ (left quadrant), let $(\gamma_{0},\delta_{0}) \rightarrow (-\delta_{0},-\gamma_{0})$
    The resulting configuration is in the upper quadrant and has the same overlap integral as the given pair.

  • The rightmost point $B$ and the uppermost point $D$ of the ellipse $\gamma^{2}+\delta^{2}-2 \gamma \delta d -r_{2}^{2} = 0 \,$ are given by $\gamma_{B} = r_{2}/ \sqrt{1-d^{2}}\,$, $\delta_{B} = d \, \gamma_{B}\,$ and $\delta_{D} = r_{2}/ \sqrt{1-d^{2}}\,$, $\gamma_{D} = d \, \delta_{D}\,$. The relevant integration region is therefore restricted to the rectangle

    $ \begin{eqnarray} \gamma_{l} & = & \min(\gamma_{0}-h, \gamma_{B}) \, , \;\;\;\; \delta_{l} = \min(\delta_{0}-h, \delta_{D}), \\ \gamma_{u} & = & \min(\gamma_{0}+h, \gamma_{B}) \, , \;\;\;\; \delta_{u} = \min(\delta_{0}+h, \delta_{D}) \end{eqnarray} $

  • Determine the left and right intersection points $1,2$ and $3,4$ of the horizontal rectangle sides with the ellipse. If such an intersection point is outside the limits of the respective rectangle side, it is placed at the near end of that side:

    $ \begin{eqnarray} \gamma_{1} & = & \, \min \left[\gamma_{u}\, , \, \max \left( d \, \delta_{l} - \sqrt{r_{2}^{2}-\delta_{l}^{2}(1-d^{2})}\, , \, \gamma_{l} \right) \right] \\ \gamma_{2} & = & \, \min \left[\gamma_{u}\, , \, \max \left( d \, \delta_{l} + \sqrt{r_{2}^{2}-\delta_{l}^{2}(1-d^{2})}\, , \, \gamma_{l} \right) \right] \\ \gamma_{3} & = & \, \min \left[\gamma_{u}\, , \, \max \left( d \, \delta_{u} - \sqrt{r_{2}^{2}-\delta_{u}^{2}(1-d^{2})}\, , \, \gamma_{l} \right) \right] \\ \gamma_{4} & = & \, \min \left[\gamma_{u}\, , \, \max \left( d \, \delta_{u} + \sqrt{r_{2}^{2}-\delta_{u}^{2}(1-d^{2})}\, , \, \gamma_{l} \right) \right] \\ \end{eqnarray} $

  • Depending on $\delta_{l}$ and $\delta_{u}$, the potential $u(\vec{r}_{12},\vec{e}_{1},\vec{e}_{2})$ is now given by:

    if $\delta_{u} > \delta_{B}$, $\delta_{l} > \delta_{B}\,$ :      $ u = - \frac{\textstyle \epsilon}{\textstyle L^{2}} \, ( J_{1u}-J_{2u}-J_{34}+M)$

    if $\delta_{u} > \delta_{B}$, $\delta_{l} \leq \delta_{B} \,$ :      $ u = - \frac{\textstyle \epsilon}{\textstyle L^{2}} \, ( J_{1u}+J_{2u}-J_{34}+M )$

    if $\delta_{u} \leq \delta_{B}$, $\delta_{l} \leq \delta_{B} \,$:      $ u = - \frac{\textstyle \epsilon}{\textstyle L^{2}} \, ( J_{1u}+J_{2u}-J_{34}-2 J_{4u}+M )$

    $ \begin{eqnarray} J_{ab} & \equiv & \int \limits_{\textstyle \gamma_{a}}^{\textstyle \gamma_{b}} d \gamma \, \sqrt{r_{2}^{2}-\gamma^{2} (1-d^{2})} = \frac{\textstyle 1}{\textstyle 2 \sqrt{1-d^{2}}} \left( \gamma \sqrt{1-d^{2}} \sqrt{r_{2}^{2}-\gamma^{2} (1-d^{2}) } +r_{2}^{2} \arcsin \frac{\textstyle \gamma \sqrt{1-d^{2}}}{\textstyle r_{2}} \right)_{\textstyle \gamma_{a}}^{\textstyle \gamma_{b}} \\ K_{ab} & \equiv & \frac{\textstyle 1}{\textstyle 2} \left( \gamma_{b}^{2}-\gamma_{a}^{2} \right)\, , \;\;\;\; L_{12} \equiv \delta_{l} (\gamma_{2}-\gamma_{1})\, , \;\;\;\; L_{34} \equiv \delta_{u} (\gamma_{4}-\gamma_{3}) \end{eqnarray} $

    and $M \equiv K_{12}-L_{12}-K_{34}+L_{34}$.

... but what does it look like?

Figure 2: SWL potential as a function of distance for selected orientations. Compare to LJL

Interestingly, the 3rd dimension will not add to the complexity. The parameter $r_{2}^{2}$ will simply reduce to $r_{2}^{2}-r_{0}^{2}$, where $r_{0}$ is the minimum distance between the carrier lines - at the "proxy points" $\lambda_{0}$, $\mu_{0}$.

The only remaining problem is the parallel case: so far I have found no way to express it as a limiting case of a general algorithm; instead, I always have to treat it separately whenever $d^{2}>0.9999$ or so. See

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Franz Vesely, nov-2008