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Former Projects

N-cycleMicrobial Nitrogen Cycling - From Single Cells to Ecosystems

 FWF funded doctoral program (DK plus) "Microbial Nitrogen Cycling" 2016-2019
Subproject: Effects of nutrients on N-fixation of Lotus spp. and Rhizobium
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Pisum leaves with Ascochyta blight
Pisum leaves with Ascochyta blight

2013–2016 Tripartite symbiosis formed by Pisum sativum, rhizobia and mycorrhiza: Implications for the symbionts, the host plant and the pathogenic fungi,
FWF [P 24870-B22]
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Medicago truncata

2012–2014 Multilevel analysis towards drought tolerance in Legumes,
FWF [P23441-B20]
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Project collaborations:

2020-2024  Drought stress and rewatering experiment in Maize - split-root system - root exudates, metabolites and proteins
Monika Wimmer, University Hohenheim, Germany

2016-2017  De novo synthesis of amino acids of bacteroids from nodulated legumes
Cesar Arrese-Igor, University of Navarra, call funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MinECo)
Guest scientist (PhD student) Maribel Rubia, research stay at the University of Vienna October-December 2016

2016-2017 Environmental assessment on nitrification inhibitors use and its effect on nitrogen nutrition and crop quality.
Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad” 2015 call funded by the Spanish Economy and Competiveness Ministry
Iker Aranjualo Universidad Pública de Navarra and Carmen Gonzalez-Murua University of the Basque Country, UPV-EHU, Spain
Guest scientist (PhD student) Fernando Torralbo, research stay at the University of Vienna April - July 2016

2016-2017 Drought recovery strategy of Sugar beet, Dr. Monika Wimmer, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Dept. of Plant Nutrition, University of Bonn, Germany

2014-2019 The Biogeochemistry of tungsten (W) in the plant-soil environment, FWF P 25942 Einzelprojekte

2009–2012 Eranet Plant Genomics PATHONET, DFG/GENAU

2009–2012 Gemüseallergene: Detektion, Analyse und Steuerung im modernen Gartenbau, Leibniz Instituts Förderung

2006–2009 Quantpro: Innovative diagnostic tools to optimise potato breeding: Systemic analysis of cellular processes and their relation to plant internal oxygen concentrations, BMBF

2005–2008 Nutrigenomics: Allergenicity in crop plants, BMBF

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