Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2003/2004

403025 VO Einführung in die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung

Vorlesung, 2st

Zeit und Ort:Donnerstag 11:00 –13:00, Hs. 24 (Hauptgebäude)

Beginn: 9.Oktober 2003

Beschreibung des Kurses: Die Studierenden sollen in leicht fasslicher Form mit den Methoden und Begriffen empirischen ökonomischen Arbeitens bekannt gemacht werden. Als Grundlage möge das Lehrbuch von Ramu Ramanathan "Introductory Econometrics with Applications" (5th edition, South-Western) dienen. Das Buch enthält eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Daten und Anwendungsbeispielen. Der Kurs dient vor allem der Vorbereitung auf das eigenständige empirische Arbeiten in Praktika.

Aufbau der Vorlesung:

1.      Ökonometrisches Arbeiten, Streudiagramme, Modell, Parameter, Schätzen und Testen

2.      Einfaches lineares Regressionsmodell (Kleinstquadrateschätzung OLS, R², t-Statistiken)

3.      Multiples lineares Regressionsmodell (R², Modellauswahl, F-Statistiken, Multikollinearität)

4.      Gebräuchliche Spezifikationstests (Durbin-Watson u.a.)

Leistungsfeststellung durch schriftliche Prüfung am Ende des Semesters (29/1).

401521UK Volkswirtschaftslehre II – Makroökonomie

Kurs (UK, 4st)

Zeit und Ort:Dienstag (Tuesday) 12:00–14:00                                 Hörsaal 2 (BWZ)

                        Mittwoch (Wednesday) 12:00 –14:00                       Hörsaal 5 (BWZ)

Beginn: 7. Oktober 2003

Preliminary description of lecture course:

The lecture course offers an introduction into modern macroeconomics. The course is based on the text book by Olivier Blanchard: Macroeconomics (Prentice-Hall) in its third edition. A concise introduction to the new System of National Accounts will also be part of the course. This part goes slightly beyond the contents of the text book, additional lecture notes will be provided. No special knowledge is required for the course, though some familiarity with simple mathematical transformations and calculations is certainly helpful, just like in all of economics.

                According to the current study plan, the UK (university course) comprises lecture aspects and exercise aspects in an integrated way. Roughly one out of four weekly hours should be reserved for the repetition and explanation of new material, in the sense of usual “exercises” (Übungen). Active participation of students is required. The final grade for the course is composed of homework and exercises (15%), a first partial exam (midterm, 35%), and a final exam (50%). The midterm exam and the final exam will be conducted jointly with parallel groups.

                Known dates for tests: the midterm exam is scheduled for November 26, 9am to 11am; the final exam is scheduled for January 21, 1pm to 3pm.

Course outline:

1. National accounts

2. The goods market

3. The financial market

4. The IS-LM model (short-run equilibrium on financial and goods markets)

5. The labor market 

6. The AS-AD model (medium-run equilibrium on three markets) 

7. The Phillips curve (Inflation, real and monetary growth) 

8. Expectations (Financial markets, consumption, investment) 

9. The open economy (exchange rates) 

The presentation of item 8 may be shortened in case of time shortage. The presented economic theories and mechanisms will be illustrated with the aid of Austrian and partly international data.

Course language is English!