
Johann Cigler



[A] Einführung in die lineare Algebra und Geometrie I,

Manz Verlag, Wien 1976.

[B] Einführung in die lineare Algebra und Geometrie II,

Manz Verlag, Wien 1977.

[C] Einführung in die Differential- und Integralrechnung I,

Manz Verlag, Wien 1978.

[D] Einführung in die Differential- und Integralrechnung II,

Manz Verlag, Wien 1978.

[E] (gem. m. H.C. Reichel) Topologie,

B.I. Hochschultaschenbücher 121,1978.

[F] (Gem. m. V.Losert u. P.Michor) Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces,

Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math. 46 , M. Dekker 1979.

[G] Grundideen der Mathematik,

Math. Texte 5, B.I. 1992.

[H] Körper – Ringe - Gleichungen,

Spektrum 1995.




[1] Asymptotische Verteilung reeller Zahlen mod 1,

Mh. Math. 64 (1960), 201-225.

[2] Der individuelle Ergodensatz in der Theorie der Gleichverteilung mod 1,

J. reine angew. Math. 205 (1960), 91-100.

[3] Ziffernverteilung in theta - adischen Brüchen,

Math. Zeitschrift 75 (1961), 8-13.

[4] Hausdorff’sche Dimensionen spezieller Punktmengen,

Math. Z. 76 (1961), 22-30.

[5] Ein gruppentheoretisches Analogon zum Begriff der normalen Zahl,

J. reine angew. Math. 206 (1961), 5-8.

[6] (gem. m. G. Helmberg) Neuere Entwicklungen der Theorie der Gleichverteilung,

Jahresber. DMV 64 (1961), 1-50.

[6a] Russische Übersetzung von [6], Mathematika 7,3 (1963), 3-46.

[7] (gem. m. B. Volkmann) Über die Häufigkeit von Zahlenfolgen mit gegebener Verteilungsfunktion,

Abh. Math. Seminar Hamburg 26 (1963), 39-54.

[8] Über eine Verallgemeinerung des Hauptsatzes der Theorie der Gleichverteilung,

J.reine angew. Math. 210 (1962), 141-147.

[9] Folgen normierter Maße auf kompakten Gruppen,

Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1 (1962), 3-13.

[10] Über die Grenzverteilung von Summen Markow’scher Ketten auf endlichen Gruppen I,

Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1 (1963), 415-420.

[11] Über die Grenzverteilung von Summen Markow’scher Ketten auf endlichen Gruppen II,

Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1 (1963), 421-432.

[12] (gem. m. L. Schmetterer) Über die Summe Markow’scher Ketten auf endlichen Gruppen,

Trans. 3. Prague Conf. on Information Theory, Prag 1964, 45-53.

[13] Einige Bemerkungen zur Theorie der fastperiodischen Funktionen,

Archiv Math. 15 (1964), 145-150.

[14] Methods of summability and uniform distribution mod 1,

Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 44-51.

[15] The fundamental theorem of van der Corput on uniform distribution and its generalizations,

Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 29-34.

[16] Some applications of the individual ergodic theorem to problems in number theory,

Comp. Math. 16 (1964), 35-43.

[17] Enige aspecten van de wiskundige begripsvorming,

J.B. Wolters, Groningen 1965, 16 S.

[18] Stark gleichverteilte Folgen in kompakten Gruppen,

Mh. Math. 70 (1966), 430-436.

[19] A characterization of well-distributed sequences,

Comp. Math. 17 (1967), 263-267.

[20] Invariant sigma - algebras on locally compact Abelian groups,

Indag. Math. 29 (1967), 375-377.

[21] Maßtreue, Rekurrenz und induzierte Transformationen,

Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 11 (1968), 26-38.

[22] Some remarks on the distribution mod 1 of tempered sequences,

Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 16 (1968), 194-196.

[23] On a theorem of H. Weyl,

Comp. Math. 21 (1969), 151-154.

[24] Normed Ideals in L_1(G),

Indag. Math. 31 (1969), 273-282.

[25] Well-distributed sequences,

Bull. Soc. Math. France 25 (1971), 39-43.

[26] Funktoren auf Kategorien von Banachräumen,

Mh. Math. 78 (1974), 15-2.

[27] Tensor products of functors on categories of Banach spaces,

Lecture Notes in Math. 540 (1976), 164-185

[28] Zur Dualität von Funktoren, die durch Funktionenräume definiert sind,

Mh. Math. 82 (1976), 117-123.

[29] Some remarks on Rota’s umbral calculus,

Indag. Math. 40 (1978), 27-42.

[30] A note on a paper by L. Carlitz,

SIAM J. Math. Anal. 10 (1979), 78-79.

[31] Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten I,

Mh.Math. 88 (1979), 87-105.

[32] Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten II: q-Laguerre-Polynome,

Mh.Math. 91 (1981), 105-117.

[33] Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten III: Umbrale Inversion und die Lagrange’sche Formel,

Archiv Math. 35 (1980), 533-543.

[34] Elementare q-Identitäten,

Sem. Lotharingien Comb., Publ. IRMA 182/S-04, 1982, 261-267.

[35] Some remarks on Catalan Families,

Europ. J. Comb. 8 (1987), 261-267.

[36] Über die Anzahl erzeugender Mengen in endlichen Vektorräumen,

Anz. ÖAW 1992 Nr.5, 27-33.

[37] A new q-Analog of Stirling Numbers,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 201 (1992), 97-109.

[38] Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten IV: Eine Klasse von q-Gould-Polynomen ,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 205 (1996), 169-174.

[39] Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten V: q-Catalan-Bäume,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 205 (1996), 175-182

[40] Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten VI: Geordnete Wurzelbäume und q-Catalan-Zahlen,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 206 (1997), 253-266

[41] Mathematik zwischen Mythos und Konstruktion,

EuS 9 (1998), 432-435

[42] q-Catalan- und q-Motzkinzahlen,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 208 (1999), 3-20

[43] Operatormethoden für q-Identitäten VII: q-Catalan-Determinanten,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 208 (1999), 123-142

[44] Eine Charakterisierung der q-Exponentialpolynome,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 208 (1999), 143-157

[45] Einige q-Analoga der Catalan-Zahlen,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 209 (2000), 19-46

[46] q-Fibonacci polynomials,

Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), 31-40

[47] Recurrences for some sequences of binomial sums,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 210 (2001), 61-83

[48] Einige q-Analoga der Lucas- und Fibonacci-Polynome,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 211 (2002), 3-20

[49] Some relations between generalized Fibonacci and Catalan numbers,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 211 (2002), 143-154

[50] Some algebraic aspects of Morse code sequences,

Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 6 (2003), 055-068

[51] A new class of q-Fibonacci polynomials,

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 10 (2003), R 19

[52] q-Fibonacci polynomials and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities,

Annals of Combinatorics 8 (2004), 269-285

[53] A class of Rogers-Ramanujan type recursions,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 213 (2004), 71-93

[54] Fibonacci-Zahlen, Gitterpunktwege und die Identitäten von Rogers-Ramanujan,

Math. Semesterber. 52 (2005), 97-125

[55] Remarks on some sequences of binomial sums,

Sitzungsber. ÖAW 215 (2006), 139-153

[56] (gem. m. Christian Krattenthaler) Some determinants of path generating functions,

Adv. Appl. Math. 46 (2011), 144-174

[57] (gem. m. Jiang Zeng) A curious q-analogue of Hermite polynomials,

J. Comb. Th. A 118 (2011), 9-26

[58] (gem. m. Christian Krattenthaler) Hankel determinants of linear combinations of moments of orthogonal polynomials,

Int.J. Number Th. 17 (2021), 341-369




q-Catalan numbers and q-Narayana polynomials

arXiv math CO/0507225

A note on some binomial sums,

arXiv math CO/0604431

Finite q-identities related to well-known theorems of Euler and Gauss,

arXiv math CO/0610546

Some results and conjectures about recurrence relations for certain sequences of binomial sums,

arXiv math CO/0611189

Simple proofs of Bressoud's and Schur's polynomial versions of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities,

arXiv math CO/0701802

q-Abel polynomials,


Some conjectures about q-Fibonacci polynomials,


Recurrence relations for powers of q-Fibonacci polynomials,


Hankel determinants of Schroeder-like numbers,


Hankel determinants of q-exponential polynomials,


A simple approach to some Hankel determinants,


q-Lucas polynomials and associated Rogers-Ramanujan type identities,


q-Fibonacci polynomials and q-Genocchi numbers,


Hankel determinants of generalized q-exponential polynomials,


Some operator identities related to q-Hermite polynomials,


Fibonacci polynomials, generalized Stirling numbers, and Bernoulli, Genocchi and tangent numbers,


Some beautiful q-analogues of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials,


Some nice Hankel determinants,


A simple approach to q-Chebyshev polynomials,


q-Chebyshev polynomials,


Ramanujan's q-continued fractions and Schroeder-like numbers,


Hankel determinants of some polynomial sequences,

arXiv: 1211.0816

A special class of Hankel determinants,


Recurrences for some sequences of binomial sums II: A simpler approach,


Continuous q-Hermite polynomials: An elementary approach,


Discrete q-Hermite polynomials: An elementary approach,


Some remarks about q-Chebyshev polynomials and q-Catalan numbers and related results,


Sum of cubes: Old proofs suggest new q-analogues,


Some observations about super Catalan numbers, corresponding orthogonal polynomials, and their q-analogues,


Some remarks and conjectures related to lattice paths in strips along the x-axis,


Elementary observations on Rogers-Szegö polynomials,


Some divisibility properties of q-Fibonacci numbers,


Some elementary observations on Narayana polynomials and related topics,


Some elementary observations on Narayana polynomials and related topics II: q-Narayana polynomials,


Hankel determinants of harmonic numbers and related topics,


Some remarks on Rogers-Szegö polynomials and Losanitsch's triangle,


Catalan numbers, Hankel determinants and Fibonacci polynomials,


A curious class of Hankel determinants,


An interesting class of Hankel determinants, (with M. Tyson)


Some observations about determinants which are connected with Catalan numbers and related topics,


Some remarks on generalized Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials,


Hankel determinants of linear combinations of moments of orthogonal polynomials, (with C. Krattenthaler


Some remarks on the power product expansion of the q-exponential series,


Bounded Dyck paths, bounded alternating sequences, orthogonal polynomials, and reciprocity, (with C. Krattenthaler)


Pascal triangle, Hoggatt matrices, and analogous constructions,


Shifted Hankel determinants of Catalan numbers and related results,


Hankel determinants of middle binomial coefficients and conjectures for some polynomial extensions and modifications



