helmut satzinger's publications

African Languages (General)

"Second Tenses in Egyptian-Coptic and Some Other African Languages." Acts of conference Crossroads: Whence and Whither? Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Comparative Perspectives. Berlin, 17.-20. Februar 2016. Manuscript Printing.

"Old Nubian - Black African Language of Most Ancient Attestation".  W. Godlewski — A. Łajtar (eds), Between the Cataracts.  Part two: Session Papers.  (= Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Supplement Series volume 2:2.)  Warsaw, 747–75.


"Being Sent to Work: Some More Remarks on an African Etymological Pattern." In: Satzinger & Takács, “Etymological Studies in the Semantic Field ‘Work’ in Egyptian.” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 93, 2005, 319–345, esp. 321–324.


"'Geschickt arbeiten' - eine panafrikanische Isoglosse?" Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Geselschaft 154, 2004, 9–16. With H. Jungraithmayr, R. Leger, A. Storch & G. TakĂĄcs.


"Ancient Egyptian in the Context of African Languages." In:  Josep CervellĂł Autuori (ed.). África antigua. El antiguo Egipto, una civilizaciĂłn africana. Actas de la IX Semana de Estudios Africanos del Centre d’Estudis Africans de Barcelona (18–22 Marzo de 1996). Barcelona, 2001. (= Aula Ægyptiaca – Studia 1.) 257–265


"Egyptian as an African Language." In: Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale di Egittologia e Papirologia, Siracusa, 5-7 Dicembre 1997, Siracusa 2000, 31–43. (= Quaderni del Museo del Papiro IX.)


(Review of:)  Daniela Mendel - Ulrike Claudi (eds.), Ägypten im afro-orientalischen Kontext. Aufsätze zur Archäologie, Geschichte und Sprache eines unbegrenzten Raumes. Gedenkschrift Peter Behrens.  In: Bibliotheca Orientalis 52, 1995, 299–306.



Thematische Bibliographie Subjects