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cardiovascular progenitor cells / cardiac stem cells / embryonic stem cells / cardiomyogenesis / Desmin / Nkx2.5 /SPARC / ...

Molecular mechanisms guiding cardiomyogenesis in stem cells

Homepage of Georg Weitzer

Principal investigator at the Center for Medical Biochemistry of the Medical University of Vienna

located at the Max Perutz Laboratories, Vienna Biocenter.

Mission statement

We pursue to unravel some molecular aspects of early mammalian cardiomyogenesis. We are interested in signaling and genetic regulation of commitment and differentiation of cardiac stem cells and the transcriptional balancing of self-renewal and differentiation in adult cardiac stem cells. From the 400+ genes involved in early cardiomyogenesis we focus on the matricellular protein SPARC and the intermediate filament protein Desmin and study their role and interaction in murine cardiac stem cell lines. (14.4.2022)

Recent publications: Desmin enters the nucleus of cardiac stem cells and modulates Nkx2.5 expression by participating in transcription factor complexes that interact with the nkx2.5 gene.
Fuchs, C., Gawlas, G., Heher, P., Nikouli, S., Paar, H., Ivankovic, M., Schultheis, M., Klammer, J., Gottschamel, T., Capetanaki, Y., and Weitzer, G.(2016) Biology Open,Jan 19;5(2):140-53. Link to Biology Open

Anfragen wegen Praktika, Masterarbeiten, Dissertationen, etc. bitte ausschließlich persönlich im Raum 2.118.

Vorlesungen / Lectures, Research Group, Contact,

Last modifications 26.4.2024

Alter Zählerstand bis September 2018: 12419