Hammer, R. (2004): Examination of the effects in in vitalized water, considering selected microbiological, physical and plant physiology aspects. Diploma thesis, Institut für Milchforschung und Bakteriologie der Universität für Bodenkultur & Klinisches Institut für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie an der Abteilung für Wasserhygiene der Universität Wien.



- The autochthonous bacterial flora did not show any signs of enhanced durability of energized water in comparison to untreated tap water.

- An immediately disinfecting or mikrobicide effect could not be shown. P. aeruginosa and E. faecalis did not show any reduction of their concentrations in comparison with untreated samples.
- At optimal cultivation conditions, no reproducible growth modification was observed.
- Finally, a substitution of conventional disinfection measures (chlorine, ozone, radiation) by the use of vitalization devices has to be rejected definitely due to the results.

Surface tension

THis study shows that water vitalisation had no influence on surface tension. This result is important, because in procedure technology, surface tension is an important factor a.g. in areas like cleaning, the use of emulsifying agents or tensids. Anecdotal reports of reduced need of cleansing agents due to vitalisation devices are obviously an effect of subjective interpretations and were never supported ba a scientific study. Additionally, the installation of such devices is usually connected with other maintenance and optimization measures, resulting in a change of the present status. Customers interprete any observed effects more likely as a result of vitalization than as results of filter change, maintenance work, pipe cleaning, etc., due to subjective ecpectations. Users usually tend to an overdosage of chemicals, and may preventively reduce the dosage due to their expectation of reduced chemical need - although this would be equally possible without vitalization devices. Thus, in many cases the stated effect has to be seen as a false conclusion.

Plant physiology

These experiments were performed to see if water vitalisation can inhance biomass production.

Grander: comparably low nutrient utilization, low developmental status.



This diploma thesis was performed at two well-reputed universitary institutes with proper methods. Crucial statements regarding the effects of Grander water treatment were falsified.

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