Diversity Framework

A Guideline for Managing Behavioral Differences in Project Teams

This phase sets the strategy for dealing with diversity aspects in a particular project.  After informing the project team about the purpose and benefits of conducting a diversity analysis, the project manager can choose (together with the team) between two basic options. Either the team performs the diversity analysis and develops solution strategies together in an open, group-based discussion setting; or the project manager uses a individual-based procedure and is primarily responsible for identifying diversity gaps within the team and developing a solution strategy.
Both procedures are equally eligible. Which procedure is chosen depends on the project context and the preferences of the project manager and the project team. For instance, in cultures where face-saving is important and team members avoid the open, group-based discussion of conflicts so that no individual is publicly embarrassed (e.g. persons whose behavior is highly impacted by their cultural background such as Japan, Southern Europe, Balkan regions etc.), an open, group-based discussion might not be the preferred procedure. In that case, an individual-based procedure is more applicable and will develop more valuable results.

In addition, a mixed procedure combines both procedures and serves as solution option for applying the framework, for instance, in virtual teams.
  • EL1 - Hold pre-workshop

    Open or Close
    Before starting the diversity analysis, a pre-workshop should be hold that aims at increasing the awareness for the topic diversity within the team. This workshop should be done independent procedure chosen for the diversity analysis (group-based discussion, individual-based procedure, mixed procedure).
    • This pre-workshop can be also used to find out how the team perceives diversity – as a resource or as a problem. This could prevent that people with negative associations sabotage the diversity analysis process later on.
    • The pre-workshop can serve as team building element for the project or can be combined with other integrative team building activities.
    • It is advised to work with an experienced diversity trainer in this step. The project manager herself / himself should not lead this workshop.
    Lead: Trainer
    Attending: Project Team, Project Manager
Option A)
Group-based procedure chosen
  • EL2.1 - Discuss diversity features and identify gaps

    Open or Close
    If the team decides for a group-based procedure, a workshop will be organized. In this workshop, the project manager will introduce the analysis process to the team. Also, the project manager will present the diversity features, which will be in the focus of this workflow step. 

    The team discusses each diversity feature and – facilitated by the project manager and/or supporter –
     the questions that are associated with the diversity features, and tries to identify gaps and/or commonalities.
    Lead: Project Team
    Facilitating: Supporter / Project Manager
  • EL2.2 - Find gap situations for identified gaps

    Open or Close
    After collecting all diversity gaps, the team – facilitated by the project manager – describes each diversity gap through particular, real-world situations. This will make the diversity gap less abstract and allows better solution finding.
    Lead: Project Team
    Facilitating: Supporter / Project Manager
  • EL2.3 - Discuss diversity gap situations

    Open or Close
    Furthermore, the team will discuss the diversity gap situation and should try to identify further practical implications for their teamwork.
    Lead: Project Team
    Facilitating: Supporter / Project Manager
  • EL2.4 - Identify coherence and deviations

    Open or Close
    The project team now works on identifying coherences and deviations in the different perspectives and opinions.
    Lead: Project Team
    Facilitating: Supporter / Project Manager
  • EL2.5 - Negotiate list and generate synthesis

    Open or Close
    Prior to the meeting (or alternatively as part of the workshop), the project manager should investigate formal rules existing within the organization. Therefore, she or he could interview experts or screen the company-internal database (if existing) and/or internal guidelines. Alternatively, a project management office can support or take over this task.

    During the workshop, the team will discuss the defined list of coherence and deviation and find a synthesis for this particular project, taking the organization’s formal rules into account. Therefore the team will identify rules and procedures for each diversity gap.
    Lead: Project Team
    Facilitating: Supporter / Project Manager
  • EL2.6 - Summarize solution strategy

    Open or Close
    Now, the project team summarizes all identified diversity gaps as well as associated procedures and rules that have been agreed upon. Furthermore, they should identify chances and risks for each gap and analyze if there are any connections to other identified gaps.

    The solution strategies should be integrated into other project management activities (e.g. project management plans, social project controlling and/or risk management)
    in order to keep the diversity gaps tracked throughout the project duration.
    Lead: Project Team
    Facilitating: Supporter / Project Manager
Option C) Mixed procedure chosen
  • EL4.1 Perform survey or 1-on-1 talks

    Open or Close
    If the team decided for a mixed procedure, the project manager will collect data from various sources: through questionnaire survey, investigating formal rules, observing informal rules. 

    One set of data is generated through a survey that is based on the diversity features. The team members should fill out the questionnaire. It is essential that all selected team members participate to achieve a comprehensive diversity analysis.  The survey can be conducted either anonymously or specific (e.g. persons or functions (e.g. developer)) – this has to be agreed upon in advance.

    Alternatively, the project manager could also perform the survey in 1-on-1 meetings with each team member individually.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Attending: Project Team
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL4.2 - Investigate formal rules

    Open or Close
    In parallel to the questionnaire survey, the project manager will interview experts from the organization about existing formal rules and work styles.
    Also, the project manager can screen company-internal databases and/or internal and external guidelines to identify formal rules. Alternatively, a project management office can support or take over this task.
    Lead: Project Manager / PMO
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL4.3 - Discover informal rules

    Open or Close
    In parallel to the questionnaire survey and the formal rule collection, the project manager will also investigate the team and observe how the team works in daily project situations. Form these observations, the project manager can collect additional information about informal procedures.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL4.4 - Combine collected data and identify gaps

    Open or Close
    After collecting data from various sources (diversity questionnaire, formal rules, and informal rules), the project manager needs to first interpret the data from the diversity questionnaires before combining it with the formal and informal rules. This combination provides the basis for identifying diversity gaps.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL4.5 - Discuss gaps and develop solution strategy with team

    Open or Close
    In a next step, the project manager will gather the team and present the results of the diversity gap analysis. Based on these results, the team will now determine procedures and rules for this particular project for each identified gap. Furthermore, they should identify chances and risks for each gap and analyze if there are any connections to other identified gaps.

    The solution strategies should be integrated into other project management activities (e.g. project management plans, social project controlling and/or risk management) in order to keep the diversity gaps tracked throughout the project duration.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Attending: Project Team
    Optional: Supporter
Option B)
Individual-based procedure chosen
  • EL3.1 Perform survey

    Open or Close
    If the team decided for an individual-based procedure, the project manager will collect data from various sources: through questionnaire survey, investigating formal rules, observing informal rules. 

    One set of data is generated through a survey that is based on the diversity features. The team members should fill out the questionnaire. It is essential that all selected team members participate to achieve a comprehensive diversity analysis.  The survey can be conducted either anonymously or specific (e.g. persons or functions (e.g. developer)) – this has to be agreed upon in advance.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Attending: Project Team
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL3.2 - Investigate formal rules

    Open or Close
    In parallel to the questionnaire survey, the project manager will interview experts from the organization about existing formal rules and work styles.
    Also, the project manager can screen company-internal databases and/or internal and external guidelines to identify formal rules. Alternatively, a project management office can support or take over this task.
    Lead: Project Manager / PMO
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL3.3 - Discover informal rules

    Open or Close
    In parallel to the questionnaire survey and the formal rule collection, the project manager will also investigate the team and observe how the team works in daily project situations. Form these observations, the project manager can collect additional information about informal procedures.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL3.4 - Combine collected data and identify gaps

    Open or Close
    After collecting data from various sources (diversity questionnaire, formal rules, and informal rules), the project manager needs to first interpret the data from the diversity questionnaires before combining it with the formal and informal rules. This combination provides the basis for identifying diversity gaps.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL3.5 - Develop solution strategy

    Open or Close
    In addition to the diversity gap analysis, the project manager next identifies chances and risks for each gap. Then, she or he determines procedures and rules that describe how the team will deal with any deviations in this particular project. Furthermore, she or he should analyze if there are any connections to other identified gaps.

    The solution strategies should be integrated into other project management activities (e.g. project management plans, social project controlling and/or risk management)
    in order to keep the diversity gaps tracked throughout the project duration.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Optional: Supporter
  • EL5 - Hold informal, interactive feedback meeting

    Open or Close
    Conducting an interactive and informal project meeting completes this workflow phase. The project manager will arrange the meeting and send the solution strategy document to her or his project team for review. In the meeting, the team discusses the solution strategy. The project manager collects feedback and refines the solution strategy.
    Lead: Project Manager
    Attending: Project Team
    Optional: Supporter