welcome to BASE art philosophy ecology India

Awardees of the first residential scholarship program

The applications procedure for the first residential scholarship program artistic-research//arts-based-philosophy in Palani Hills/South India (Tamil Nadu) has been completed. The residential scholarships are realized in cooperation with the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the Arts University Graz (KUG), the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna the Viennese art factory GRENZ_film these residential scholarships for artists, philosophers and scientists at the newly established research BASE art philosophy ecology research centre in South India.

List of Awardees of „Thinking the Untimely. Utopias Dreams Beginnings“

Varun Aiyer, India (yoga-teacher, graduate of National School of Drama New Delhi). Full scholarship for 3 month.

Sravasti Banerjee, India (graduate of National School of Drama New Delhi). Full scholarship for 3 month.

Bharati Kapadia, India (painter and performance-artist). Half time scholarship for 1 1/2 month.

Paribartana Mohanty, India (performance and multimedia artist). Half time scholarship for 1 1/2 month.

Utsa Hazarika, India (Arts & Science). Half time scholarship for 1 1/2 month.

Florian Sorgo, Austria (Graduate of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Media artist). Half time scholarship for 1 1/2 month.

Kilian Jörg, Austria (Graduate of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Arts & Science) Half time scholarship for 1 1/2 month.

Bernadette Reisinger Austria (Ph.D. Student University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy). Full scholarship for 3 month.

Suha Sung, SouthKorea (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Musician). Full scholarship for 3 month.

Helen Parkes, USA/Austria (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Filmmaker). Full scholarship for 3 month.

BASE, a research centre for artistic research and arts-based philosophy, is located at a place with the perfect climate, in the Palani Hills at about 1,300 m above sea level, 14 km away from Kodaikanal, far away from the hectic of urban life-worlds, far away from any pressure of time and production constraints. Two internationally renowned researchers in the field of artistic research and arts-based-philosophy head the residential program: University Professor Dr. Susanne Valerie Granzer and assoc. University Prof. Dr. Arno Böhler (à Philosophy on Stage). Together with the holders of the residential scholarship, they as well as Varun Aiyer will organise local art-labs in the context of which a thinking of the untimely will be tested (12 h/week).

During the 1st phase of the art-labs the emphasis will be on the close reading of texts, which are of significance for the research question. Thus, for this year’s residential program this means texts dealing with the issue of “thinking the untimely” (readings of: Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams, Gilles Deleuze: Nietzsche and Philosophy, Michel Foucault: The Order of Things, Patañjali: Yoga-Sūtra, Iśvarakṛṣṇa: Sākhyakārikā and others).

The second phase of the art-labs will be about considering how this reading affects different ways of artistic performance. Which images are stimulated by the texts? Which kinds of music? Which kinds of sculpturing? The musicians will answer the texts by way of their music; the philosophers will answer the music, the sculptures created in the process by way of their conceptual means. These processes aim less at creating “isolated” pieces of music or “isolated images etc. but, quite in the sense of Deleuze, at stimulating a creative field trans-disciplinarily generating from the mutual relationship of the respective works.

Philosophy On Stage#4

PEEK Project “Artist-Philosophers” (AR275-G21), sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), led by Arno Böhler. Wolfgang Michael, Manora Auersperg, Nikolaus Gansterer [hochen bichler]

The 3rd phase of the art-labs will be about putting together groups. Who might be interested in cooperating more closely with other participants in the residential projects for a certain period of time because common grounds of artistic-philosophical or scientific approaches at the research question have become obvious? Temporary ensembles will be founded during this phase, which try out common ways of performing the research issue.

In the 4th and last phase of the art-labs we will decide, whether we want to present the works accomplished during the residence program to the public. Due to the fact that the residence-program is not goal – and result-oriented, we would like differ the answer to this question to the end of the program.

As a result of the international network of artists established by Böhler/Granzer in the course of developing the “Philosophy on Stage” format there are possibilities to show works in public spaces both in Europe and in Asia. Recently, “Philosophy on Stage” was realized at Tanzquartier Wien: https://homepage.univie.ac.at/arno.boehler/php/?p=8009

Philosophy On Stage#4

PEEK Project “Artist-Philosophers” (AR275-G21), sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), led by Arno Böhler. Wolfgang Mitterer, Graham Parkes, Marlene Monteiro Freitas [hochen bichler]

Research question

In the context of the residential program starting by the end of December, 2016, we would like to pursue most of all the research question of the role of utopias, dreams, beginnings for contemporary arts, philosophy and sciences. What might a way of thinking the untimely look like which, as Gilles Deleuze has it in his book on Nietzsche, thinks “against its times, in favour of a time to come”?

View from the BASE art philosophy ecology research centre

In charge of the concept and heads of the residential program:

Univ. Prof. Dr. MMag. Susanne Valerie Granzer (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna / Max Reinhardt-Seminar)

Assoc.Univ.Prof. Dr.habil.Mag. Arno Böhler (University of Vienna/Department of Philosophy//University of Applied Arts Vienna)

arno.boehler@univie.ac.at / granzer@mdw.ac.at

website: https://homepage.univie.ac.at/arno.boehler/php/?p=8742

Organisers: Viennese art factory GRENZ_film in cooperation with BASE art philosophy ecology India Pvt. Ltd.

Place of the residential program: 625, Kamarajapuram, Palangi, 624 101 Kodai Canal

Cooperation partners: Austrian Foreign Ministry, Arts University Graz (KUG), the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (mdw).

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