mediathek philosophy on stage #3

Über die menschliche Stimme – und das ethische Potential einer Wiederentdeckung des Körpers in der Philosophie

Alice Lagaay (CV)



Der Vortrag bietet zunächst einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungen zur Philosophie und Phänomenologie der menschlichen Stimme und fragt, warum die Stimme – als Spur des Körpers in der Sprache – in den letzen Jahren für viele Philosophen scheinbar so interessant geworden ist. Steckt in der Stimme ein neues Potenzial für eine Theorie des Subjekts – und der Gemeinschaft –, die >>>

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Recent years have witnessed a significant surge of interest in the human voice and the acoustic, embodied nature of language from a wide range of different disciplines. Just to conjure for a moment the sheer breadth and variety of different disciplinary perspectives that seem to have discovered or rediscovered an interest in voice in recent years, we could talk about an attentiveness to vocality a) in the theories and methods of linguistics and conversation analysis, b) in literary theory, c) in cognitive science, d) in psychoanalysis, or of course e) in contemporary arts, theatre, performance and film.
Of course this list is by no means exhaustive and the voice in question is not the same voice under all these perspectives. Depending on the discipline or angle of study, various aspects of vocality are emphasized. Thus, from the point of view of linguistics and conversation analysis, it is above all the relationship between voice and the semantic level of communication, i.e. the semiotic character of vocality, which is of interest. >>>

Gesamter Performance-Film

Realisiert im Rahmen des FWF-Forschungsprojektes TRP12-G21 während des Philosophie und Performance Festivals Philosophy On Stage #3 im Haus Wittgenstein, Wien am 24.-27. November 2011.


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