EMLG98 - Physics of Liquids: Foundations, Highlights, Challenges

Murau, Austria, September 11-16, 1998

Form for Contributed Paper

Personal information
      Name: ..............................................

   Address: ..............................................




     Email: ..............................................

     Phone: .................... Fax: ....................

     Title: ....................            Student: .....

I want to contribute a paper
       Oral (if possible): .....     Poster: .....

    Title of contribution: ........................................




   Technical requirements: ........................................


For each contributed paper a preliminary abstract [10-15 lines, written in (La)TeX] should be submitted before April 15, 1998. The authors will be informed regarding the acceptance of their contribution before May 15, 1998. A one-page, camera-ready abstract (in English) should be submitted for all accepted papers, including those of invited speakers, not later than June 1, 1998. These abstracts will be distributed to all participants.
Please send the completed form for a contributed paper to:
Prof. H. A. Posch
Institute of Experimental Physics
University of Vienna
Boltzmanngasse 5
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Fax: +43-1-3102683
Phone: +43-1-31367-3109
Email: posch@ls.exp.univie.ac.at

Last modified: 17 January 1998 (MN)