Mar 2008

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> LJ Lines / Tetrachoric series
> Bare Cylinders again
> NPT-MC Snapshot

  • LJ Lines / Tetrachoric series

    [This is mainly for Kike:] In my fortran codes ljsticks.f and ljs_rc.f (and similar) I have to compute the bivariate normal cumulative distribution bvnc depending on a pair of coordinates $(x,y)$ in $[-\infty,\infty]$ and a correlation $\rho$ in $[-1,1]$. When $\rho^{2} \rm{<} 0.5$ the distribution is best represented by the tetrachoric series, otherwise we use Vasicek's complementary algorithm.

    Now, the tetra series has some stability problems when we go to a larger number of terms. I have therefore derived a more stable series which may be switched on in my code. Here are the details.

    Let us call the bivariate distribution (bvnc in the code) $ N_{2}(x,y,\rho)$. The tetra series (Abramovitz etc.) is

    $ N_{2}(x,y,\rho) = N(x)\, N(y) +n(x)\, n(y) \sum \limits_{k=0}^{m} \frac{\textstyle 1}{(\textstyle k+1)!} He_{k}(x) \, He_{k}(y) \, \rho^{k+1} $

    where $n(x)$ is the 1 D normal density with cumulative distribution $N(x)$, and $He_{k}$ are the "probabilists' Hermite polynomials" defined by $He_{k+1}(x)=x He_{k}(x)-k He_{k-1}(x)$;  $He_{0}(x)=1$; $He_{1}(x)=x$.

    It is tempting now to use this recursive definition of the Hermite polynomials, but they tend to attain large numerical values - as does the denominator $1 / (k+1)!$. To avoid quotients of large numbers we may define the auxiliary terms

    $ f_{k} \equiv \frac{\textstyle He_{k}(x) \, He_{k}(y) }{ \textstyle (k+1)!}, \;\;\;\;\;\; g_{k} \equiv \frac{\textstyle He_{k-1}(x) \, He_{k}(y) }{ \textstyle (k+1)!}, \;\;\;\;\;\; h_{k} \equiv \frac{\textstyle He_{k-1}(x) \, He_{k}(y) }{\textstyle (k+1)!} $

    which obey the recursion relations

    $ \begin{eqnarray} f_{k} &=& \frac{\textstyle xy }{ \textstyle (k+1)} f_{k-1}+ \frac{\textstyle (k-1)^{2} }{ \textstyle k(k+1)} f_{k-2}- \frac{\textstyle (k-1)x }{ \textstyle (k+1)} g_{k-1}- \frac{\textstyle (k-1)y }{ \textstyle (k+1)} h_{k-1} \\ g_{k} &=& \frac{\textstyle x }{ \textstyle (k+1)} f_{k-1}- \frac{\textstyle (k-1) }{ \textstyle (k+1)} h_{k-1} \\ h_{k} &=& \frac{\textstyle y }{ \textstyle (k+1)} f_{k-1}- \frac{\textstyle (k-1) }{ \textstyle (k+1)} g_{k-1} \end{eqnarray} $

  • Bare Cylinders again

    I have now done a complete sweep with $l_{1}=10.$, $l_{2}=0.8-7.0$, $d_{1}=d_{2}=1$ and concentration $X_{2}=0.1-0.99$. Again, the search strategy was simply to increase $\eta$ and $k$ until $ |S(\eta,k)|$ crossed zero. Starting at this point the nearest minimum of $S(\eta,k)$ with $S=0$ was found using a 2D Newton-Raphson strategy.

    The graphs look much the same as before. I left off the low $X_{2}$ part as it is really flat. The steps in $\lambda$, looking like the teeth of a whale, are just an indication of zero smectic wave number.

    All the data displayed here may be downloaded from this directory; they are packed as the file "Bbcmar08.tar.gz". [Kike: these are the files you already have, except that now all $\lambda$ are positive, even if $k \approx 0$ is numerically negative...]. There are also some useful gnuplot scripts.

    Figure 1: Phase surface, total, for BC mixtures.

    Figure 2: Smectic wave length $\lambda(l_{2},X_{2})$ for BC mixtures.


    Figure 3: Detail in phase surface.
    Figure 4: Detail in the $\lambda$ surface.

    I have not yet included the results pertaining to the left part in Van Roij's Figure 3d, for $l_{1}=10$ and $l_{2}=1$, and $X_{2} \rm{>} 0.89$ (in our notation; they have $x \rm{<} 0.11$). Anyway, here are some results. In that region I get two branches of states with $|S|=0$ and $dS/dk=0$, at low and high packing densities. Here I show you first the table, then the graph. In the table, "T T" means "smectic=true / demix=true" etc. Thus, "T T" denotes a smectically demixed state, "T F" a smectic but mixed state.

    Low $\eta$ branch:
    $X_{2}$ $\eta$ $k$  
    0.8600 0.3504436e0 0.1690574e0 T T
    0.8700 0.3471773e0 0.1428434e0 T T
    0.8800 0.3440657e0 0.1069540e0 T T
    0.8850 0.3425854e0 0.8133598e-1 T T
    0.8880 0.3417263e0 0.5999829e-1 T T
    0.8890 0.3414453e0 0.5072583e-1 T T
    0.8900 0.3411672e0 0.3918362e-1 T T
    0.8910 0.3408919e0 0.2205258e-1 T T
    0.8911 0.3408645e0 0.1951366e-1 T T
    0.8912 0.3408372e0 0.1658717e-1 T T
    0.8913 0.3408099e0 0.1301422e-1 T T
    0.8914 0.3407826e0 0.0796805e-1 T T
    *** here k --> 0!
    0.8915 0.3407554e0 0.1d-7 F T
    0.8920 0.3406210e0 0.1d-7 F T
    0.8930 0.3403615e0 0.1d-7 F T
    High $\eta$ branch:
    $X_{2}$ $\eta$ $k$  
    0.888 1.1583904e0 0.4289670e1 T F
    0.889 1.1533599e0 0.4289944e1 T F
    0.890 1.1483279e0 0.4290221e1 T F
    0.895 1.1231434e0 0.4291666e1 T F
    0.900 1.0979175e0 0.4293220e1 T F
    0.910 1.0473359e0 0.4296722e1 T F
    0.920 0.9965697e0 0.4300891e1 T F
    0.930 0.9456009e0 0.4305976e1 T F
    0.940 0.8944036e0 0.4312373e1 T F
    0.950 0.8429376e0 0.4320750e1 T F
    0.960 0.7911352e0 0.4332333e1 T F
    0.970 0.7388689e0 0.4349635e1 T F
    0.980 0.6858665e0 0.4378557e1 T F
    0.990 0.6315195e0 0.4431985e1 T F
    0.995 0.6036269e0 0.4466310e1 T F
    0.998 0.5867204e0 0.4483845e1 T F
    0.999 0.5810705e0 0.4488838e1 T F


    Figure 5: Packing density at bifurcation, for the 10:1 system. Compare to Van Roij-Mulder, Fig. 3d.
    Figure 6: Wave number at bifurcation.

    Figure 5 is roughly the mirror image of Van Roij-Mulder's Fig. 3d, except that I have included the blue line to denote the maximum attainable packing density ($0.89$ for very long hex packed cylinders.) The low-density branch ends exactly at $X_{2}=0.8915$, where the smectic wave length diverges (see Fig. 6). At this $X_{2}$ we can also find a high-density branch with smectic (S1) structure, but this branch starts out far beyond the physically meaningful $\eta$. Only for $X_{2}$ larger than about $0.94$ the packing density falls below the limit of $0.89$.

  • NPT-MC Snapshot

    Figure 7: N=864 hard SC particles; NPT MC at $X_{2}=0.6$; $p=0.6$; $\eta=0.33$; $P_{2}=0.49$; not quite equilibrated.

    Next run will be for N=1372 and $X_{2}=0.4$, as agreed with Luis and Kike.

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 vesely mar-2008